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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Newb Needs Help


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So, I like the game, but I'm not having fun. I'm on a free account but will most likely pay for at least another month. I play a german rifleman. I look on my mini map for red infantry and I run in that direction. I usually get close then get picked off by a sniper. I'm persistent so after about 3 tries I make it to the action. On my way to the action I try to zig and zag and use bushes, whatever for cover. I sprint all the time and lay down to rest in bushes. Only once have I been sniped while resting. So, I don't think resting is the problem. I guess, I need help becuase I really don't know what I am doing. I can at least recognize the enemy and attempt to shoot them, but I'm a little slow on the trigger still. I only have one kill so far. I also have no clue about theater level tatics, like why are we taking this city or even how to take a city. Any help is appreciated.

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Welcome to the game Rotofree!

No doubt, this game has a very steep learning curve. Here's a bit of advice I have to clear the way for you...

1. Mini map - The mini map is super helpful for navigating your way around, and for marking enemy positions. However, 99% of the time the mark positions are only approximate. You must also take into consideration that the enemy is most likely moving. So even a second after the enemy is marked - chances are the mark is incorrect. Again- only an approximate location. If your defending find a nice spot, and wait for them to come to you, not need to run out and get yourself killed. Experienced players will avoid crossing open fields at all costs. So watch the approaches that cover wooded/bushy areas. That's where they'll be and where your probably getting sniped from. 

2. Theater Tactics - So the objective of the game is to advance your side to take over the whole or most of the map. On the very basic level, this is done by attacking AO (attack orders) the high command sets. If you follow the chat at the bottom of the screen, attack orders from high command are displayed there. They will tell you where to attack, where to defend, and what brigade to join to do such. When attacking the objective is to take the CP's (Choke Points) which are displayed on your mini map, if you click on the town name. Each town as CP's and AB's (Army Bases) that need to be captured before the town is taken. To this, fight your way into town, and enter the buildings with the flags displayed outside. But be careful, the CP's and AB's are usually heavily guarded. 

3. Join a Squad, and hop on discord - You can join a squad when you enter the game, and you can spawn on the squad members to help make your life easier. They will usually be right where the action is. If you join Discord, you can play and chat with some of these people - who will ultimately make your play time much more enjoyable. You can follow along with them, and they can show you the ropes (as well as get you some points!) 

I know this game is difficult, like i said earlier it has a very steep learning curve. But keep up with it and I guarantee you'll get the hang of it and have a blast! 

Read through this as well. It's the play Wiki and hopefully it will help answer some more of your questions, as well as help you gain a better understanding of how the game works! 


Good Luck, see you out there! 

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