Event created by TEX64
At the request of our dedicated Australian players we are making several slight modifications in scheduling for our next meeting so they can attend.
Our next meeting will be on SATURDAY, 12 MARCH 2022 at 1200 hours Server Time (PST) / 1400 hours CST / 1500 hours EST / 2000 hours GMT
Who is invited? Everyone to include:
- Current / Retired High Command
- LT Colonels
- Squad Leaders
- Squad Individual Members
- Lone Wolves
Zoom Meeting Link
**** Please RSVP for this call ****
The Zoom link will be posted in the Discord HC Secure Channels just prior to the event. Otherwise, you can submit a request via the Discord Discussion Channel to individually receive the link.
Only verified WWIIOL Discord members will receive the link. We apologize for this inconvenience but it was necessary following the virginal and pre-pubescent behavior of the spammers on our last call.
A few ground rules prior to the meeting:
- Meeting will last approximately 60 minutes (we may extend beyond that as needed)
- Follow-up meetings will be held (the group will help guide the direction & frequency)
- We will listen to problems but be prepared to briefly discuss your solution(s)
- Discussion is LIMITED to HC & Squad development and integration (game design or personal pet peeves will NOT be the scope of this meeting)
Meeting Notes from last meeting:
- A number of people mentioned the importance of teamwork and proper communication between the gamers, squads, and High Command.
- High Command and Squads will need to teach a new generation of gamers the tactical and strategic nuances of the game. This will take effort and a commitment from the community.
- Discord can be an effective force multiplier, adding to immersion, etc. HC and Squads will need to visit the various channels when online AND encourage gamers in-game to use Discord while reaching out to existing squads with dedicated Discord servers outside of WWIIOL to join the WWIIOL Discord server or learn to communicate effectively between servers to provide a better gaming experience.