Event created by TEX64
We had good dialogue and sharing in our last meeting as we discuss the challenges in recrafting the High Command & Squad / Player base Interaction. All are welcome so we hope to see you there!
Our next meeting will be on SATURDAY, 9 APRIL 2022 at 1200 hours Server Time (PST) / 1400 hours CST / 1500 hours EST / 2000 hours GMT
Who is invited? Everyone to include:
- Current / Retired High Command
- LT Colonels
- Squad Leaders
- Squad Individual Members
- Lone Wolves
Meeting Link
**** Please RSVP for this call ****
The meeting link will be posted in the Discord HC Officer's Club Secure Channels just prior to the event. Otherwise, you can submit a request via the Discord Discussion Channel to individually receive the link. Only verified WWIIOL Discord members will receive the link.
A few ground rules prior to the meeting:
- Meeting will last approximately 60 minutes (we may extend beyond that as needed)
- Follow-up meetings will be held (the group will help guide the direction & frequency)
- We will listen to problems but be prepared to briefly discuss your solution(s)
- Discussion is LIMITED to HC & Squad development and integration (game design or personal pet peeves will NOT be the scope of this meeting)
Meeting Notes from last meeting:
- Meeting Audio Chat file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vr7GzJ9vAGbOMFVf5ys8Pp0c5UbhmISM/view?usp=sharing
- Meeting Text Chat file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RSR8pBDV6jY9Y2oLBWwQe9iR2Gbg4cjL/view?usp=sharing
- Transfer of game / High Command intricacies have been lost
- Opportunity for Staff College at the strategic level with developed tools and training
- How to improve interaction between leaders / followers
- Mentoring/supporting junior leaders to develop confidence and camaraderie within the player base
- Use of private message (PM) feature versus an open-chat request or perceived "order" when asking for assistance in-game
- Determine whether or not an ongoing secure Discord Channel can be used to facilitate more discussion between bi-weekly meetings
- Review if Discord would be a better platform versus Zoom which could allow greater participation
- Launch "Senior Command Application" for both High Commands
- Launch High Command & Squad Player Availability Survey