Event created by CRS_EVENTS
The Wolfpack squad are hosting a memorial event for our XO Doom66.
Doom passed away June 6th. If you've ever flown over an allied FB with enemy chasing and wondered who the AAA was that cleared your 6 or if you've ever thought to yourself "that was a brilliant town defense" - there's a good chance Doom66 had a big part in both of them scenarios.
- Location: Fallen soldier memorial south of Andenne - FMS will be up in advance.
- Server: Training Server
- Faction: Allied
- Date / Time: June 26th 2022 at 6pm EST – 10pm GMT (11pm in the UK)
Attendees should form up in the blue squares, just to the north of Doom's squad mates who will be AAA/ATG as shown below - please leave the gap in the middle of the 2 groups as this is route Doom's character will take to the memorial. All are welcome, I've reached out to some people that may be close to Doom if they'd like to say a few words. If I haven't reached out to you and you've a funny story or happy memory with Doom and would like to say a few words then reach out to me.