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Focus Test: Keymapper


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1.29 includes "no joystick" keymaps as an option to all players, without the need for any editing of CFML files or other file management (though that is still available). We need to test these for general feel and acceptable functionality.

In addition to good functionality, the goal for these keymaps is to change as little as possible between joystick and no joystick setups so that we have some good standards. There are, of course, a few minor exceptions.

These are optimized for US English QWERTY keyboards.

One key feature that comes with these no-joystick keymappers is the Presets function. In the 1.29 keymapper, you will see a drop down menu in the lower right that allows you to change to a different keymap preset for a class of vehicles. For now, the only presets are joystick and no-joystick, but we can expand that now to include other keymaps.

And the full range of customization available in the .CFML files is still available. I will be documenting those features further in the wiki soon.

A brief overview of changes:

All Vehicles:

-- Free Look = N.

-- Deploy Vehicle or Mobile Spawn = Z (aircraft left brake still Z, and infantry weapon deployment is still B.

-- Primary Fire: Mouse Button 1 (removed from keyboard "F")*

-- Secondary Fire: Mouse Button 2 (removed from keyboard "B")*

-- Determine Range = G

All Ground Vehicles

-- Toggle Tow Bar = T

All Aircraft

-- Flaps Down = Insert

-- Flaps Up = Delete

-- Toggle Bomb Bay Doors = B

-- Auto Pilot = Left Shift + A

Mouse Movement:

-- No Joystick = WASD movement for vehicle turrets

-- Left Shift + W,A,S,D increases turret movement rate to maximum.

* A note on turrets: the mouse will still move your turret slightly. If you want to move your turret a lot, say more than 45-60 degrees, use the movement keys. But the mouse will let you move the turret around very easily for fine tuning your aim.

No Joystick

-- Aircraft Yaw: Left Arrow, Down Arrow to Center, Right Arrow

-- Aircraft Throttle: Mousewheel up and down AND F (Increase) and V (decrease)

Rough keyboard layouts


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It takes longer than it should to expand/collapse the groups (by clicking on the +/-) in the keymapper. It makes the UI feel laggy.

The groups in the 'controllers' tab seem to respond at an acceptable speed.

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Used to be a' date=' now it is empty at default.[/quote']

Please try Left Shift + A for autopilot, as listed above.

It is possible that some new maps aren't displayed correctly in the in-game keymapper.

Please check the Layout links above. They look like this:


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Cant get the Views NE' date=' NW, SE, SW, To work on the Hat stick. I have no Corner Views using the hat switch on a Joystick.[/quote']

Those weren't changed. Do they work in the current live version (1.28)?

Note to all: I'm pruning the thread here as we progress.

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Ok my bad, After trying Harder to get it to work. I have been able to Map the Views to my 8 way hat switch with your keymapper.

IT just has a labeling problem ( Joystick 2 POV 1 ) is what it says. It needs a NW or SW added so you know it works.

AS long as it says this ( Joystick 2 POV 1 ) and nothing else I 'm good to go.

Sorry for the mix up.

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I tested that (inverting rudders) and had no problem. Can you provide more detail ?

Actually they inverted when I copied my cmfl file to beta from live.

Also map button 3 and 5 to my trim but the keymapper always says joystick 1 button 1 for both .. It seems to work though.

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One thing (that may have already been covered?)

The cfml folder, ui config, wwiiol.xml, ww2launch.txt, ww2net.txt and screenshots are in a new "\My Documents\Battleground Europe TEST" folder.

This is the case on both the xp and vista installs on my computer.

Sooo it may be that those who copy/pasted their cfmls from 1.28 into their be test install folder may be haveing conflicts?

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Sooo it may be that those who copy/pasted their cfmls from 1.28 into their be test install folder may be haveing conflicts?


Right after I installed the beta, before I log in I copy my entire cfml folder and placed that into Beta/Data folder.

Worked perfectly. I only had to remap my free mouse look and the primary weapon.

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One thing (that may have already been covered?)

The cfml folder, ui config, wwiiol.xml, ww2launch.txt, ww2net.txt and screenshots are in a new "\My Documents\Battleground Europe TEST" folder.

This is the case on both the xp and vista installs on my computer.

Sooo it may be that those who copy/pasted their cfmls from 1.28 into their be test install folder may be haveing conflicts?

I checked this functionality, and the game will look in both places for keymaps. If the CFMLs conflict with each other, the one in My Documents takes precedence.

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When I use the keyboard for a tank throttle the throttle does not stay down unless you hold the key down. Is there a setting to hold the throttle down? Because holding the key down for 10km drive is rather annoying. It holds it down in 1.28

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When I use the keyboard for a tank throttle the throttle does not stay down unless you hold the key down. Is there a setting to hold the throttle down? Because holding the key down for 10km drive is rather annoying. It holds it down in 1.28

With the default keyboard and mouse keymap, when I hit the W key I go to full throttle and stay there until I hit the S key.

Go into the keymapper and do the following for the primary and secondary keymaps for gas and center brake:

1. Click on the letter to the right of the colon (defaults are w and s).

2. At the bottom of the keymap window, click "Default keymap".

3. After repeating this for all four keymaps, click "Save changes".

This should make it so you don't have to keep the key pressed to move. If you want to use different keys for gas and center brake, you can edit the CFML file manually to get rid of this, but I agree that we shouldn't have to go that route.

Gophur, if you remap the Gas key, it enters the following code into the CFML. The onrelease section probably shouldn't be there.



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With the default keyboard and mouse keymap' date=' when I hit the W key I go to full throttle and stay there until I hit the S key.[/quote']

Yep. Intended functionality.

Gophur, if you remap the Gas key, it enters the following code into the CFML. The onrelease section probably shouldn't be there.


That's a default code setting. It's there because the code was not built with the assumption you would put an axis on keys - back then we assumed/required joysticks (we still strongly recommend them).

So, for now, manually deleting the onrelease="0.00" section from your custom CFMLs is necessary if you want a function to stay on once pressed.

If we changed the defaults, every button you pressed would stay on after one press - which would not be good.

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For some reason I could not remap certain buttons tonight in .15. I can't really tell if it's a bug though cause I copied my cfml folder from 1.28 into 1.29 beta data folder to get the mapping I'm used to. For some reason a few buttons did not work and I could not remap them. Screenshot button did not work and remapping it to different keyboard buttons in keymapper did not help. Bombbay door in DB7 did not work either. Could not remap it.

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For some reason I could not remap certain buttons tonight in .15. I can't really tell if it's a bug though cause I copied my cfml folder from 1.28 into 1.29 beta data folder to get the mapping I'm used to. For some reason a few buttons did not work and I could not remap them. Screenshot button did not work and remapping it to different keyboard buttons in keymapper did not help. Bombbay door in DB7 did not work either. Could not remap it.

That's because the CFML folder has to be in the folder created in your Document folder, not in the game folder.

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That's because the CFML folder has to be in the folder created in your Document folder' date=' not in the game folder.[/quote']

It doesn't have to be there, but any keymap files in your Document folder will override the ones in the game folder.

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It doesn't have to be there' date=' but any keymap files in your Document folder will override the ones in the game folder.[/quote']

I guess I misinterpreted then because that's how I understood it.

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