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Focus Test: Keymapper


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on layout for aircraft, no joystick:

insert = flaps up

delete = flaps down

in game

insert = flaps down

delete = flaps up



Fixed for .17

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Fixed for .17

Trying to go through things when I have some spare time, found a few more.

range increase for infantry and armoured vehicles are reversed, inf has pg up for range increase, armour has pg up for range decrease (but live game has that, been meaning to map it consistently but keep forgetting ;)

keymapper doesn't show the "shift,a" combination for "turret traverse", armoured vehicles, airplanes, probably all categories (it works fine though)

The twiki diagram doesn't mention a and d are for turret traverse.

twiki diagram airplanes mentions autopilot, keymapper shows nothing mapped for it. like the "shift,a", seems to be just a display thing, it does work afaict.

mapped manually, keymapper shows it as a,shift" where the other 3 directions show up as "shift, ". I'm somewhat anal about consistency yes :)

saitek rudder pedals:

mapped toebrakes to left/right break, show in keymapper as joystick2 x|y] axis, as expected.

mapped actual rudder function, shows up as "joystick 2", in live game version it shows up as "joystick 2 rz".

Some of the x52 Pro sliders/rotation controls also have that problem. I think I saw that reported for x52 already though.


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Keymapper says b is toggle bomb bay doors and z is deploy weapons.. but in havoc I the z toggles the bomb bay doors and the b does nothing.

Also pilot bombbay door indicator is always illuminated as open.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Keymapper says b is toggle bomb bay doors and z is deploy weapons.. but in havoc I the z toggles the bomb bay doors and the b does nothing.

Also pilot bomb bay door indicator is always illuminated as open.

Good catch! The reason is in our Havoc/DB-7 data files. It's the only plane that requires you to open the bomb bay doors - the others are effectively 'spring opening'.

Fix is in for .19 and works.

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this used to work before for steering:



now it's buggy, as the second option does not allow full movement, it only moves a little - the effect of the first key has not changed at all though

ps1: oddly enough, it still works for the rudder, and if i set onrelease=100 for the first key, it will still move to 100% (the opposite direction where the second key should move)

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no, it's there, i just missed it when i copied the config here - sorry about that



as i said, i worked until 1.28 - only the beta has this issue

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this used to work before for steering:



now it's buggy, as the second option does not allow full movement, it only moves a little - the effect of the first key has not changed at all though

ps1: oddly enough, it still works for the rudder, and if i set onrelease=100 for the first key, it will still move to 100% (the opposite direction where the second key should move)

So you've changed the file, right? Send that to me: bloo@playnet.com.

It is certainly easy to bork your own CFML files unintentionally. We are primarily concerned with the strict default mappings.

Rudder is a different function, it's a and uses a "per second" method. Down arrow re-centers your rudder.

Generally these axes are all set up like this:


Where 0 is Left, Down, or Minimum (e.g., for throttles), 50 is Center, Middle or No input (e.g., for steering, but not for gas), and 100 is Right, Up or Maximum - but of course, these vary by the particular axis involved.

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damn , i forgot to mention that i use the exact same setting for the rudder (with different keys of course) - this is why it's strange that it works

i've sent you the air.cfml file - i haven't changed it at all, the exact same file is used in 1.28 without any issues

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Posting here for others to see. I think a cleanup of the index settings is the issue with your steering.

Try changing the steering to what is now the default for no joysticks:


As for rudder, the function of the index varies with the particular function involved - for some it is irrelevant. Unfortunately, I'm not able to give you a list of all of those. The index thing is tricky.

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index=10 only allow extremely limited movement which is very bad in planes (roll and pitch)

i'm trying to find an alternative in the meantime, but i don't really have a clue on the index settings

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  • 2 weeks later...

interestingly, 1.29 live does use the previous key settings correctly, i have no issues whatsoever with the config that i pasted in here before

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