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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

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World War Two Online - Open Test


Version (11-15-08)


- Fixed a auto undeploy bug when kneeling and deploying


- corrected function assignment of bomb bay doors (for Havoc/DB7, this was assigned to "Deploy Weapon"). New default bomb bay door key (B) now functions.


- Chat channel icons should now be correct in any language


- AAR now reports who killed you

- AAR now reports score for guarding capturables

- AAR now reports score for guarding kills

- AAR now reports score for capper kills


- Added a new routine for players who die while in training

- fixed non-english tutorial translations (still a few issues with keymap lookups)

- re-added tutorial requirements

- graduate flag enables/disables all in the basic group

- add tutorial tab back in on brigade screen


-chat commands index: removed dead link to strat_chat

-blen1T: revised language slightly


- several minor changes

-remapped Autopilot to Left Control+A because of conflict.

(note, there is a pending issue with autopilot rendering it inoperative unless manually remapped - ticketed)

-mousewheel throttle added to tank, truck and sea vehicle "no joystick" default keymaps

- Made gun range keys consistent and logical (page up = +range, page down = -range)


- Fixed an issue with joystick axis and pov hats

- rank names can now be localized

Note: This should only be used for Chinese translations. Rank names that are translated will no longer be contry specific they will be global.

- Fixed a chat channel localization issues

- Fixed Chinese chat handles


- Introduced some technology improvements from the Unity Upgrade branch that should improve performance especially under load. Our test machines ranging from an Athlon 64 min spec machine to a mid level Core 2 Duo report improved frame rates of 22% to 37% during a load test at Area 51 with 100 vehicles present. Solo conditinos reported at Remagen show increases of 7% to 21%.

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- Chat channel icons should now be correct in any language



- Added a new routine for players who die while in training

Works (I killed myself with a grenade, and was forced to repeat the rifleman tutorial).

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Just some general feedback on performance;

FPS is unquestionably up and gameplay is significantly smoother overall (though I haven't yet seen large groups of players or battles)...

...Unfortunately, the 2D billboard LODs for trees are noticeably closer now. It's not that big of a deal and it's not that obvious, but for people like me with high end hardware, I think it would be nice to have an option to increase the tree LOD distance...

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- Introduced some technology improvements from the Unity Upgrade branch that should improve performance especially under load. Our test machines ranging from an Athlon 64 min spec machine to a mid level Core 2 Duo report improved frame rates of 22% to 37% during a load test at Area 51 with 100 vehicles present. Solo conditinos reported at Remagen show increases of 7% to 21%.

I just want to comment about this. I haven't been able to test with many others around. I have made comparisons in offline mode though and I see a drop of about 10% from the live version to this beta version at "my" testsites in Dordrecht and Breda.

This with:

Asus M3A79-T Deluxe

Phenom 9850BE@3.1GHz

Corsair Dominator 1066 @ 5-5-5-15-22

Sapphire Radeon HD3870X2

Identical settings for both versions.

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tested the LOD on trees with 1.28 and latest 1.29 offline and they appear to be about the same. No change in the trees was intended.

if you can post a comparison screenshot I'll ticket it but for now.."worksforme".

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Alright, this is a goof-up on my part.

I went into 1.28.7 offline to set up comparison shots and it dawned on me that I was wrong; no difference in tree LOD range; perhaps I was subconsciously trying to find a visual cause for the performance boost....

However, when I tried to take screenshots in, the screenshots didn't get saved to either the Battleground Europe TEST folder in My Documents or the install dir.

I did a Windows file search of my entire C drive with the parameters "*.bmp" modified/created only today and the search turned up nothing.

I went into 1.29 and tried again, but F9 still didn't take any screenshots. bug?

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honestly, i don't see any boost in performance - i'm thinking it's because my laptop's GF 8700M, as it's not that powerful, especially when it comes to trees and smoke :)

still have to test it with a considerable population, need at least 50 players on both sides

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These performance improvements are largely CPU based. If you are bound by your gfx card you may not see them.

Screen shots are showing up for me fine here:

C:\Documents and Settings\dbaldwin.CRS\My Documents\Battleground Europe TEST

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Alright, this is a goof-up on my part.

I went into 1.28.7 offline to set up comparison shots and it dawned on me that I was wrong; no difference in tree LOD range; perhaps I was subconsciously trying to find a visual cause for the performance boost....

However, when I tried to take screenshots in, the screenshots didn't get saved to either the Battleground Europe TEST folder in My Documents or the install dir.

I did a Windows file search of my entire C drive with the parameters "*.bmp" modified/created only today and the search turned up nothing.

I went into 1.29 and tried again, but F9 still didn't take any screenshots. bug?

You have trackir running? Default enable key is f9 and will conflict, can't even remap f9 ingame if it's used by a trackir.

Least that's what I just found on mine, after turning trackir off I could take screenies and clear then remap to f9.

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Munch' date=' not sure. What types of fps are you seeing?[/quote']

At the places I'm testing, and have been testing for quite some time since those places seems to hit extra hard for some reason, with the current setup I see around 80-120 FPS in 1.28 but with 1.29 now I see between 70-110.

Not a big issue really but I just noticed this. If I try with the CPU @ stock speed I see the same kind of percentage drop, just lower FPS.

All this is just offline so I have no idea how the impact is with people around. I'd love to test on the funny farm but it's not possible right now and when I'm on the beta server there's never more than 2-3 people tops.

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*unplugs internet*

*plugs internet back in*

90 KB/s to 900 KB's

*curses COX*

I'm suppose to delete the test folder right? yeah, ok, probably.

*deletes test folder*

What can go wrong.

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