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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Focus Test: Training Feedback


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Not really a bug, just a positive comment on how well done I think the training missions are. Very intuitive, comprehensive and so far bug free :)

Nice work

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I can't do the later plane one. It brings me to the select weapon screen and I can't go foreward so, bleh :P

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Agreed on the training missions.

Some feedback:

  1. some text transitions happen too quickly and the text can't be read in time. This is usually for the text at the end of a particular challenge that doesn't require you to hit space to continue.
  2. The map tutorial recommends returning to the origin facility to despawn. I think this is misleading advice as well as it being impractical when a player spawns at an MSP and the origin might be several kilometers away (fb).
  3. The map tutorial talks about right-click to make an active waypoint but if you try it at that point the right-click doesn't do anything.
  4. The map tutorial talks about contacts on the map - even scrolling the map to presumably show a contact report but there isn't anything marked there.
  5. The basic combat tutorial says to right-click on target and choose Activate then Target. The actual menu item says "Make Active" not "Activate".
  6. In the basic combat tutorial the only capturable facility was the enemy AB (humping any other table gave a message saying "facilities cannot be captured while training.) This should either be changed or made more clear in the tutorial instructions.
  7. At the end of the basic combat tutorial you have to click Esc to despawn (other tutorials automatically gave you the option of despawning or going to the next tutorial). I don't think using Esc to despawn was discussed at any point in earlier tutorials.
  8. Finally, all of the combat tutorials should give some indication of the number of players spawned on the enemy side. New players in low pop could be running/flying around pointlessly for 40 minutes looking for an enemy that isn't there. Alternatively, some AI infantry or fighters would be great here but I realise this is something that you don't have yet and would require more work to implement.
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French armour training:

The unmanned h39 at the range is half submerged into the ground.

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Not really a bug, just a positive comment on how well done I think the training missions are. Very intuitive, comprehensive and so far bug free :)

Nice work

Tempy? Is that really you? :D

It is nice to be able to battle it out on a separate instance, on the live server. Easier than having to switch between live server and training server.

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On the map training the red square isn't really centered on antwerp. Minor issue ;)



Two times I wanted to start a training I got a message, that the mission was closed. Couldn't really reproduce it, it seems to be very random.




Chat training, type in /time, the command works but there is also a message, that the command doesn't work.



Don't know if this is an issue, or if the information is take from the current server settings. In basic combat training it tells you, that it takes 30 seconds to capture a table, but wasn't it 60 on the live server?



Also in basic combat training one of the targets is to bump a table. But all tables aren't capable. Only the enemy armybase is capable. That is a bit confusing.



When I "capped" the enemy bunker radio in basic combat training, I didn't despawn automaticly, but got stuck in the place. Couldn't move anymore and only was able to despawn through ESC. Also the capture only take 0 seconds, so I hadn't to wait the described 30 seconds.




Those two windows don't look good :)



Submarine tank?



In basic armor training I had problems finding my target to shot at, because I was on the left side of the submarine tank. The far left target was hidden by the terrain. Perhaps some target markings would be good here. So you know at what you have to shot.


Locate air speed, well try it ;)



In the inf combat training at Willemstad the town ownsership on the map is axis. This is a bit confusing as allied player. Also all capturable buildings don't have an axis flag but the '?' flag.



Well that's all I have currently found.


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I've got a few more...

* You can't change your controls during the training missions since the progress window block the right side tabs when you bring up the map.

* In the LMG training it says that you can deploy with b and right mouse button, but it will only let you continue when pressing b, even if you deploy with the right mouse button and then press b to undeploy. might not be a bug, but it's strange. it's pretty much the same when it tells you to undeploy the MG again.

* During the vehicle training with the 38t and you're driving towards the berm at the shooting range it will change to 3 person view and at least for me it didn't stop the tank so it went over the berm before I stopped it myself and had to back up.

* As axis during inf. combat training it spawns you inside the wall of a building. you'll get out ok, but it doesn't look very good to get spawned in to a wall.

* When you should press play to start the axis combat training missions it says "Right" instead of "Play"

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All aspects of the new training features are not 100% correct yet. Open beta is the period during which we hope to gather what's left to do and fix them.

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Unable to start the tutorials.

Also when I logged off, Windows alerted me to using too much memory...memleak?

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Tempy? Is that really you? :D

It is nice to be able to battle it out on a separate instance, on the live server. Easier than having to switch between live server and training server.


I just like the lessons they've developed

very nicely done, imo.

Definitely on the right track

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All aspects of the new training features are not 100% correct yet. Open beta is the period during which we hope to gather what's left to do and fix them.

My compliments to whoever has been working on the training. Far better than the last patch.

Only minor issue is during the lmg deploy it says hit (B) to deploy which of course is correct ... but, the right mouse button is clearly the better choice when playing and the training text doesn't mention right mouse or recognize it if it is used.

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French armour training:

The unmanned h39 at the range is half submerged into the ground.

Known bug, being fixed.

Also with 38t in German.

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I've got a few more...

* When you should press play to start the axis combat training missions it says "Right" instead of "Play"

Think it says Fight;)

I had the same issues with the LMG training., have to press even if you use right click

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We'll use this thred to capture feedback on the new training.

We'ev expanded Basic Training by 1 combat mission that cannot be repeated and also added some new combat training. These free form instances will open and close based on population.

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Thanks guys. My merge tool is nto working today but I'll move this into the sticky as soon as I can.

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Only UK could get into training.

The Hurri spawned in Hahn, which listed it as having a KG53 brigade there, but the flag on it in Map was French, and had a French flag over the AF bunker.

Did not see reported, missed it if it was.

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Though you explain how to supply someone, the newbie should be asked to perform the /ammo command once. Not enough people know about that. Other quick emotes as well (stop, move, etc)

Also, is it possible during the combat training (v.s. true players) to have a little window showing up the names of allied & axis players currently present in the area ? What if there's no enemy unit spawning ? What if that training area is a frontline town ?

When you redo the mission screen, maybe have a "training brigade" with automatic mission showing up for people willing to go play targets for n00bs. But not sure about the impact on rank scoring etc.

That concept could eventually be extended for online king-of-the-hill quick events - or call it instant action events - happening behind the frontlines in interesting places with both teams would be lead by a single "event leader" and get a common chat. Just a thought.

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I have done the new tutorials, nice work.

I have encountered many of the reported bugs. Especially confusing was the armor training - the gunnery range. I suggest to change "far left target" goal to "closest target on the left". Also you could include the hit-indicator same way as done in the infantry training.

What I was missing was the gear-up / gear-down instructions in the basic armor training when actually on the move (so that players are not travelling at 1st gear all the time). The RPM checking guide is maybe too much for beginning, but at least to give the feeling of speeding up.

The combat missions have been total mistery to me - nobody showed up and I did not know what to do. I assume there has to be other players, which could not be allways satisfied. Maybe to make the mission descriptioin more accurate. The 40 minutes limit was a bit frightening when nobody seems to be there.

Also, maybe to set the waypoint as a target automatically - the air combat target is hard to find.

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German LMG (maybe all LMG training)

-attacking vehicles. (asked to deploy gun be pressing B.) Intent is that I deploy it on the bunker wall. if you are not close enough you get the head shake and the weapon does not deploy. But the training progress to next step. Waypoint needs to be closer to bunker wall.

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I scanned through what people have already said so i may not have seen somebody already mention having the LMG tutorial check for mouse right click as well as 'b' for input.

Also would there be a way to hold off the combat instance countdowns until another player joins?

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  1. The map tutorial recommends returning to the origin facility to despawn. I think this is misleading advice as well as it being impractical when a player spawns at an MSP and the origin might be several kilometers away (fb).

  2. In the basic combat tutorial the only capturable facility was the enemy AB (humping any other table gave a message saying "facilities cannot be captured while training.) This should either be changed or made more clear in the tutorial instructions.

  3. At the end of the basic combat tutorial you have to click Esc to despawn (other tutorials automatically gave you the option of despawning or going to the next tutorial). I don't think using Esc to despawn was discussed at any point in earlier tutorials.

Thanks, hog. I've made clarifications for these. Will work on others soon. Population counter is a good idea.

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Bloo, what about exploiting this new training technology to give some love to navy boys ? I think they were the first ones who badly needed such a feature.

How do you actually expect the naval combat training to work ? Fairmiles and DD on separated missions ? Did you ever consider create a DD combat event ? If not, that could bring a temporary solution to naval solitude :

add a permanent behind-the-frontline naval event
where origins have been pre-selected for both sides (or maybe create two naval .msp in middle of the sea ?). Like in the inf combat training, there would be a waypoint set in the middle of the sea where participants would "meet".
It would be accessed from the training tab, until the new UI is redone. Participants would have access to a population counter as well.
I think there should be no supply limitations at all, since it would happen behind the frontline.
Eventually combine it with air missions.

That being said, I wonder how you do manage these areas when the frontline comes there ?

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Bloo, what about exploiting this new training technology to give some love to navy boys ? I think they were the first ones who badly needed such a feature.

How do you actually expect the naval combat training to work ? Fairmiles and DD on separated missions ? Did you ever consider create a DD combat event ? If not, that could bring a temporary solution to naval solitude :

add a permanent behind-the-frontline naval event
where origins have been pre-selected for both sides (or maybe create two naval .msp in middle of the sea ?). Like in the inf combat training, there would be a waypoint set in the middle of the sea where participants would "meet".
It would be accessed from the training tab, until the new UI is redone. Participants would have access to a population counter as well.
I think there should be no supply limitations at all, since it would happen behind the frontline.
Eventually combine it with air missions.

That being said, I wonder how you do manage these areas when the frontline comes there ?

Needed as a combat instance to go alongside the INf, Air & Armour ones.

As a idea for inclusion alongside teh real map, a REALY REALY bad idea, it would be the end of the naval game.

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