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FEEDBACK: ATI Artifacts in UI when alt tabbing during loading


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In the mission selection screen, when I selected a mission with an MSP on it, I had a weird icon on map preview (which disappeared when I zoomed in too much). I thought it was supposed to give a rough approximation of the MSP location but the ML told me it wasn't located there.

I had to leave and couldn't perform more tests.

Could anyone please tell me where screenshots are now saved ? It's not in my TEST file, or maybe was the F9 key changed ?

Anyone else had this ?

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Screenshots, like .cfml and log files, are now all stored in your C:\My Documents\Battleground Europe folder. All "extra" client created files are now stored in your C:\My Documents\Battleground Europe folder. Only the game itself is in your game directory.

Because this version (v1.30) is currently an Open Test (beta) version of the game rather than the regular campaign live game version ... you will have a dedicated TEST folder in My Documents called C:\My Documents\Battleground Europe - Test where screenshots, .cfml and logfiles will be stored.

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Ok thanks, I found the file, but the screen I did wasn't saved. I'll check it out again on the beta server

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Look. (don't pay attention to the colored lines, that's my video card who's nearing death. Still using ATi 9600 series, on a 1.5 GHz laptop with 512ddr ^^)



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Given the state of your graphics card, I'm not betting anything. No one here has been able to replicate this effect at all. Anyone out there also see this kind of thing ?

PS: ATI driver support is the worst I have ever experienced. While one set of drivers might be fine, change them and anything you can imagine might go wrong. If I showed you our support ticket numbers for ATI cards and then the same for say ... Nvidia, you'd start to wonder why anyone would even bother with ATI ever again. Thier cards are actually good but their driver support is shockingly bad. A great card is only as good as the drivers that make it work great, in my view.

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Given the state of your graphics card, I'm not betting anything. No one here has been able to replicate this effect at all. Anyone out there also see this kind of thing ?

PS: ATI driver support is the worst I have ever experienced. While one set of drivers might be fine, change them and anything you can imagine might go wrong. If I showed you our support ticket numbers for ATI cards and then the same for say ... Nvidia, you'd start to wonder why anyone would even bother with ATI ever again. Thier cards are actually good but their driver support is shockingly bad. A great card is only as good as the drivers that make it work great, in my view.

I heard you have a 4850 in the office. Try to overclock it a bit and you will see things you wouldn't believe (btw my card at stock is rock solid, no artifacts, though alt tabbing when the game is loading, thats another thing). Some examples:




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What do you expect when you overclock past stable points :P

I have a 2900XT @ 802/900, nicely overclocked on 8.12 drivers and the only bug I get is the flag bug.

I'll admit the 9.x drivers have royally screwed up this game though. I've got no problem sticking with 8.12 as with the age of my card it's not going to see a heck of a lot of new improvements.

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Oh my, that's awful. I'm curious why you would overclock it ... if that's what you get for your efforts ?

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The first one was done on stock with alt tab when the game was loading, the second one when the card was overclocked, the 3rd one again on stock with alt tab when the game was loading. If i dont alt tab from the game when it is loading there is no corruption, there are no artifacts and the vpu recover never kicks in. Btw. I managed to corrupt the screen with alt tab like it is in the last picture in as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uh, wait. What am I testing for?

I thought this was "seeing artifacts after alt-tabbing using a ati 4850". Is this the bug?

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Well, yes. Though it doesnt bug me anymore cause i had to unsub my second account (hope only temporarily!). So no alt tabbing when the game is loading, hence no corrupted fonts or graphics for me. It is possible to still corrupt the font (mainly missing letters) when I alt tab like crazy when the game is loading. But it is nothing like when 2 accounts are loading and alt tabbing between them.

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I get crazy artifacts like this too when alt tabbing when the game loads up with my X1950 Pro.

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