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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around. Sudden drop to 4 fps with no fps recovery


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This has happened to me 3 times, once yesterday and twice today. All online beta.

The 1st time I think MW and I had been hunting a fps drop around montfalcon but can't be sure.

Today I logged in and decieded to check the boats so started at helle with fmb. Checked guns, all positions and engine controls then spawned a TT and checked all positions to be sure all worked.

Then I spawned a destroyer, fired all guns and torps and then headed out from spawn with it.

Suddenly fps tank to 4 fps, no varriance from 4 fps. The 1st time I thought maybe something with my comp although this has never happened with any other program.

This 2nd time I'm suspect that somethings going on with the game. I alt f4ed out each of the 1st two times after less than a minute of this.

The last time was today at willemsted where I was again trying to descern some sort of pattern to the fps varriances there. This last time though I left the game running several minutes, I walked in different directions and looked up until only sky was in view and rotated my avitar. Steady 4 fps. I had enabled netcode2 to see if it would now work with my dialup and was showing no packet loss and ping around 280ish (I'm on dialup, ping under 300 is as good as I can expect).

I brought up taskmanger, cpu varied from 50 to 60 percent. Ram usage steady @ 1.75 gigs, I have 2 gigs.

WW2.exe holding steady mem usage of just under 1 gig.

At 4 fps the game was very slideshowish as expected and keystrokes required sometimes several attempts to register.

Was able to use esc and click OK to despawn.

Debrief screen came up with no delay but on bringing up taskmanger I still had the same cpu and ram usages as I saw ingame. On game shutdown, full shutdown, mem and cpu usage returned to windows only normal levels pretty much imeadiately. No slow release/recovery of ram issues.

I can not reproduce this as I have no idea what caused it.

1st time was, best as I recall, only MW in the area. Other 2 times I was alone best as I could tell.

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1.75gb is very high for the program. I still think this is memory leak related. I have run into the massive FR drop several times, and like Rebel said it has happened to me in a spit iib flying N from Antwerp and looking E just as the Sun rises. I haven't been able to reproduce it though. Most of the time this happens to me my packet loss starts showing up. I don't know if its net code related.

Another interesting observation is to look at the task manager program mem usage. Many times I see the memory usage rise after multible spawns but not always. If I Alt Tab to the Task Manager I can watch Windows recover some of that program memory. When I first spawn my program memory is around 1gb. It has gotten as high as 1.94gb memory usage.

CPU C2D T7400

Nvidia 7950 GTX

Win 7 64bit




Settings default

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I thought I was clearer in my OP, total system usage was 1.75ghz.

WW2.exe usage was just under 1ghz.

With windows usage at 300 megs that's around 450 megs for all other services ect.

Around 1gig for wwiiol does not indicate a men leak.

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Yup see it now. Guess I've been wearing my ol' geezer hat too long.

PS: does your mem usage for WW2.exe increase much or stay at 1gb ?

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The most I've seen when I checked was around 1.2 gigs for ww2.exe.

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Ok good report. I do need a little more though before I ticket this. I need to be able to reproduce it. Can you give me a step by step Zeke?

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There was no set rote with it Gophur. 1st time I'd been logged in over 3 hours. The next day I'd just been logged in long enough to spawn and test the guns on the 3 boat types plus maybe 5 more minutes. The 3rd time I'd been ingame probably a hour or more.

1st time at montfalcon, 2nd at helle, 3d at willemsted. Once as French para, once while a German DD and once as German army smg.

I can't rule out something specific to my computer unless someone else sees this happen. I am running old vid drivers (asrock duel vista mobo will not boot on vista vid drivers past the 8x version).

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You might want to launch task manager before playing and witch to it to see if there are any clues when this is happening.

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The 3d time it happened I had taskmanger running on 2nd monitor. Cpu usage was normal, game was using just under 1 gig of ram.

HD light was not lit.

I've been busy with grandkids last couple of days so have not been in the beta but hope to get in some time this weekend.

There was no grafics degradeing or anything unusal except for the steady 4 fps (normaly 30 to 60 in that area depending on direction faced).

If no others have it happen then maybe write it off as a fluke of my setup.

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