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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around. Good News / Bad News


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The good news is the game no longer exits to desktop after the 30th mission.

The bad news is it happened after the 64th mission (if I didn't lose count)

Wed Jan 07 07:40:33 1970 network election of 2 addresses: Winner:, Manual Selection:

G:\CRS\Battleground Europe TEST\WW2_sse2.exe

File version: 1, 30, 0, 18

Program compile time: Apr 22 2009 13:41:12

Date and time: 4/23/2009 7:29:00

Exception code: 0xc0000005


Exception: continuable

Exception address: 0x009fed35

Exception tried to: read at address 0x00000028

Exception Registers:

DS: 0x0000002b, ES: 0x0000002b, FS: 0x00000053, GS: 0x0000002b

EBP: 0x0000008d, ESP: 0x0017f5ec, SS: 0x0000002b, EIP: 0x009fed35

ESI: 0x32ddbf38, EDI: 0x0017f658

EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0xffffffea, ECX: 0x00000140, EDX: 0x00000001

I have to get ready for work, if someone could see if that is repeatable before I get off...

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First test shows 62nd despawn = CTD.

Will test more to show it's repeatable.

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Is there seriously anyone that will spawn 62 times ? He should get a break, that CTD could be fine.:D

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Is there seriously anyone that will spawn 62 times ? He should get a break' date=' that CTD could be fine.:D[/quote']

By the way the 32nd CTD is in the current live game also!

Of course if you only play a little or fly or sail you will probably never hit 30 missions a sessions.

However if you fight on the ground in the big battles you'll hit that easy in a hour or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This should be fixed in .20.

Please retest.

If anyone beats mwhitman to it they get a t-shirt. But if you call it fixed and Mwhitman says it's not I get to change your game name to what ever he likes unless I can come up with something more devilish.

See! We at CRS are givers!

Thanks for testing, you guys are awesome.

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Re-tested in twice.

Still CTD's on 62nd despawn. :(

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Re-tested in twice.

Still CTD's on 62nd despawn. :(

dammit whitman!

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Wanted a free name change eh! ;)

Hell it's free i'll take it as long as it's both awesome and crude!

Oh and this bug is fixed ;) /lock

EDIT:: thought i would at least be useful in this thread.

Tested at S depot in leuven brit brigade.

around 65 despawns until ctd.

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.20 build, 62nd despawn = CTD

Still broken, failed testing, passed back to coders.

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200 despawns and still no ctd:D. I will give you the benefit of doubt and say that this is fixed:D. Oh and I swear that I saw somebody firing a bazooka in the montmedy ab on my 178 despawn:D.

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I'll load it up and do the double check. If I get to 500 then I'll call it "better" ;-)

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OK, retested.

501 despawns and no CTD's.

I'd call that a BIG improvement! :D

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