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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Mac Issues


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Please post any Mac specific issues here and I'll catalog them and ticket them.

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Since I was able to do some of these on PC, I will consider these all Mac bugs:

1. Unable to .setrank

2. French armor training script stops when it asks you to fire main gun using Joystick

3. Brit armor training script stops when it tells you your can rotate the turret

3b. When it freezes the instruction ends "... 36" missing the 0

Edit: Trees cause HUGE performance hit, about 60%. From 50 to 15 FPS

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I know there was another thread on this, but cannot find, so I report new:

In Beta AND Live, when you open radio to more then one channel, you get invisible characters, shown as a small box, in the radio.

If you do not delete (backspace) to remove those characters, it will repeat the last item seen in the received radio (what ever it may be, even .axis / .allied)

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I know there was another thread on this, but cannot find, so I report new:

In Beta AND Live, when you open radio to more then one channel, you get invisible characters, shown as a small box, in the radio.

If you do not delete (backspace) to remove those characters, it will repeat the last item seen in the received radio (what ever it may be, even .axis / .allied)

I get this as well. This was in 129 also.

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This chat-bug is reported since long time back. IIRC did it appeared first time with v1.19.0.

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This chat-bug is reported since long time back. IIRC did it appeared first time with v1.19.0.

Never saw it before 1.29.

I tolerated it, but its time to get fixed, maybe in post release patch if not on release.

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Is any one else on a Mac getting this "cant launch preflight" error when trying to install the beta?

I downloaded the .dmg file and it went through all the steps but when it gets to the installation phase it conks out with "The following install step failed: run preflight script for World War II Online".

I'd love to test out the beta in the hope that the jerky mouse movement for infantry has been resolved so if anyone can help that'd be great!



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Is any one else on a Mac getting this "cant launch preflight" error when trying to install the beta?

I downloaded the .dmg file and it went through all the steps but when it gets to the installation phase it conks out with "The following install step failed: run preflight script for World War II Online".

I'd love to test out the beta in the hope that the jerky mouse movement for infantry has been resolved so if anyone can help that'd be great!



Probably a corrupt archive,. You'll need the latest full installer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) can't log into the training server but can log into game server.

2) Erratic CTDs here's an excerpt from the last crash report (BB won't accept full crash report)

Process:         World War ][ Online [10288]Path:            /Applications/World War ][ Online.app/Contents/MacOS/World War ][ OnlineIdentifier:      com.playnet.ww2olVersion:         1.30.0 (release) (???)Code Type:       X86 (Native)Parent Process:  launchd [262]
Interval Since Last Report:          624077 secCrashes Since Last Report:           7Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  36784 secPer-App Crashes Since Last Report:   3
Date/Time:       2009-05-29 18:10:38.579 +0900OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.7 (9J61)Report Version:  6Anonymous UUID:  13B5C1D4-A1EF-4556-9BAA-6CE884B17E4D
Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000Crashed Thread:  0
Thread 0 Crashed:0   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002ea1fb FTLibrary::GetLibrary() const + 10771   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002ee2d9 float FTFontImpl::AdvanceI(wchar_t const*, int, FTPoint) + 1792   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002ece6f FTPoint::Yf() const + 50653   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002ec0c8 FTPoint::Yf() const + 15704   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003a1375 ScriptFilter::~ScriptFilter() + 37875   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003b86b9 phui::TextContainer::TextContainer() + 55556   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003b88cc phui::TextContainer::TextContainer() + 60867   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003ca406 phui::Panel::MinSize(float*, float*) + 53968   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003ca642 phui::Panel::MinSize(float*, float*) + 59689   com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003c4fbf std::map, std::allocator >, phui::ref_ptr, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, phui::ref_ptr > > >::operator[](std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&) + 412710  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003c2b41 std::map, std::allocator >, memio, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, memio> > >::operator[](std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&) + 1310511  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x001b59d2 std::vector >, std::allocator > > >::resize(unsigned long, std::vector > const&) + 1247012  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003c055d std::map, std::allocator >, memio, std::less, std::allocator > >, std::allocator, std::allocator > const, memio> > >::operator[](std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&) + 340513  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x001b2a77 std::vector >, std::allocator > > >::resize(unsigned long, std::vector > const&) + 34714  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003ac196 __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > > std::find<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, phui::MessageFilter*>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, phui::MessageFilter* const&) + 45815  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x003ac2be __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > > std::find<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, phui::MessageFilter*>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator*, std::vector, std::allocator > > >, phui::MessageFilter* const&) + 75416  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x001a7426 std::map, std::less, std::allocator > > >::operator[](unsigned int const&) + 1724217  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x000664a9 MATERIALPROP::MATERIALPROP() + 783518  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x000664e5 MATERIALPROP::MATERIALPROP() + 789519  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002da43e std::vector >::resize(unsigned long) + 3675420  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002da52e std::vector >::resize(unsigned long) + 3699421  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x00208737 std::vector >::push_back(void (* const&)(weapWeapon*)) + 54322  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x002d38d7 std::vector >::resize(unsigned long) + 925923  com.apple.Foundation              0x9400b517 __NSFireTimer + 27924  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x917f8ac5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 446925  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x917f8c78 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 8826  com.apple.HIToolbox               0x9427928c RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 28327  com.apple.HIToolbox               0x942790a5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 37428  com.apple.HIToolbox               0x94278f19 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 10629  com.apple.AppKit                  0x919b0d0d _DPSNextEvent + 65730  com.apple.AppKit                  0x919b05c0 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 12831  com.apple.AppKit                  0x919a95fb -[NSApplication run] + 79532  com.apple.AppKit                  0x91976834 NSApplicationMain + 57433  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x00002582 0x1000 + 550634  com.playnet.ww2ol                 0x000024a9 0x1000 + 5289

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As Mission Leader can't mark the map.

Can approve others' marks though.


I might be wrong here, but I think we can't mark target at all, regardless if we're mission leaders or on another ones mission.

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There's a ticket for the waypoint issues. Same issue as with Chinese waypoints I believe.

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There's a ticket for the waypoint issues. Same issue as with Chinese waypoints I believe.

That's all Greek to me.

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It's possible to mark on the map when you're NOT the Mission Leader.

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Are you fixing the 10-character-name-mouseover-CTD?

This is ridiculous.

I mean really, really ridiculous that it hasn't been fixed.

This is not a "only some people get it, hard to replicate" bug.

When this happens twice in a row, I log off and just don't play. I bet I'm not the only one.

Not good, CRS, not good.

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Yes we're fixing it. As soon as we can get someone to fix it. If it was already fixed, well then, you'd have the fix. I understand your frustration but frustration doesn't fix code any faster. Both of my mac guys are out of office today so that doesn't help matters any either.

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It's possible to mark on the map when you're NOT the Mission Leader.

I discovered this last night, with 1.30.1

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I just downloaded 1.30 and am having terrible FPS problems to the point of the game being unplayable. I can also see thru the walls of buildings, which would normally be great! but it's hard to tell where the windows and doors are. The audio also sounds terrible, which I read might have gotten better although I haven't been back on the game since the FPS makes it unplayable. Any idea when these Mac issues will be addressed?

I have a Macbook Inter core Duo 2.4 GHz 4 GB of Ram with a Nividia GeForce 9400m graphics card

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I just downloaded 1.30 and am having terrible FPS problems to the point of the game being unplayable. I can also see thru the walls of buildings, which would normally be great! but it's hard to tell where the windows and doors are. The audio also sounds terrible, which I read might have gotten better although I haven't been back on the game since the FPS makes it unplayable. Any idea when these Mac issues will be addressed?

I have a Macbook Inter core Duo 2.4 GHz 4 GB of Ram with a Nividia GeForce 9400m graphics card

Turn off normal maps, or bump maps or whatever that is to get your walls back. The water will also stop looking weird.

Dont know if it will also help frame rate, but it cant hurt.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to report it: Somehow for a short moment, due to a stutter in the GUI and a fast mouse movement, i selected 2 brigades, got this message and lost connection to host.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I downloaded the game last week. Played offline for several days, then got my subscription today.

I'm stuck on a tutorial for chat....the issue is I cannot access the side channels to complete the tutorial. They don't display when I click on the header (F3).

I'm running a duo core macbook, with 4 gig of ram. Everything else appears to be fine.


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