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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

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I have found a bug while training. In tanks all sides when it gets to the gunners part of the training, you can progress no further. Either in case of German side all u get is take a mome;

British you get you turret can rotate 36;

and french all is good but when u get to the prompt to fire your guns u fire and it refuses to continue ahead.

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With the gunners part you hve to hit a specific target to advance the tutorial. Off the top of my head it's either the 2nd from left, or left most target.

Depending where you parked your tank at the burm and the individual tanks gun optics it's not always obvious which target you are expected to hit.

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I have found a bug while training. In tanks all sides when it gets to the gunners part of the training, you can progress no further. Either in case of German side all u get is take a mome;

British you get you turret can rotate 36;

and french all is good but when u get to the prompt to fire your guns u fire and it refuses to continue ahead.

Yes, I received this as well, but being a Mac I thought it was a Mac only bug (and posted in Mac specific)

Now, I DID also do the tutorial on a Dell PC, and it worked 100% in .18 (I think) in all 3 countries.

SO, this bug must be newly created.

BTW, are you on PC??

Please list stats.

And mwhitman, I did fire at target, several times, different ones, the tutorial was frozen.

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Sylvain, can you please tell us what kind of system you have?

PC or Mac? Which OS version? Video Card, etc?

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