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Can't dive p-38 1.30 BETA


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I don't know if this is a bug or not :

Flying a P-38 40,000 ft.

If there is a plane under you and you go to dive on it by slowly pointing

nose down, it will start to dive but about the 45 deg mark your plane

shuts down the up/down movement ( banking ok) and makes you return

to level flight. You can not engage a fight unless he comes to you.

I tried this a few times and get the same thing.

Any time you start to dive it returns it's self to level flight.

I was hoping to be able to dive down from high alt. But no can do.

Windows 7 build 7100



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Just souunds like as you get very fast in your dive your controls are starting to lock up.

Other P38 experts will be able to confirm if this is usual in the P38.

If you're saying that it's fine in the Live (1.29) game but different in 1.30 Beta then you might want to double check your control settings are the same between the two.

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Yes I doubt there is anything in this that is diffferent between the two versions. Since you're talking about altitudes of 40,000 ft. I am not overly concerned, aircraft didn't routinely operate at those altitudes during WWII. Not saying they couldn't reach that high, some could ... but it wasn't a regular operational altitude at all.

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Data hasn't changed. P-38 meets all the previous flight profile points it did previously. I had no problem getting a P-38 (Mle.322) on the beta server.

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