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On screen messages cause freeze


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Well I'm not sure wht's up. Remeber this is on win7.

Last night the freeze was random and seldom but I had the white map.

Turning off the aws would clear the map, aws on=white map.

Both cores were enabled.

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Got motor (who has AMD dual core) looking to see if she can replicate. Could be a compile issue.

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Well I'm not sure wht's up. Remeber this is on win7.

Last night the freeze was random and seldom but I had the white map.

Turning off the aws would clear the map, aws on=white map.

Both cores were enabled.

Had this exact thing happen to me several times on my wifes laptop (core2duo, nvidia, vista home premium), freezes and white map with both cores enabled. Restart of the game would always fix it.

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Got freezing problem too, but only happens occationally, not on every displayed message. And usually the freezing time is 10-15 seconds, haven't crashed. Guess I should make a note each time it happens.

Windows XP sp3 home

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB

Intel core2duo 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz


SoundMax HD Audio

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Was this supposed to be fixed in 1.30.2? Cause I didnt get the freeze whilst playing yesterday after 1.30.2 went live. Or am I just seeing things?

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No fix that I am aware of. Might have though, we did some work on those messages for China.

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Just played for 2 hours in sedan. Loads of messages, heavy battle. Not a single message freeze :). Then fell through the ground in carignan AB. Oh well, the computer was probably tired and needed a rest:D.

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I've not seen it since the last patch either, fingers crossed that it's history.

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Whilst running two accounts yesterday I got my very first instant CTD on receiving a message:mad:. On my main account that never CTD'd, always only froze before.

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I'll toggle my messages back on and see what happens. Haven't checked it after went live, I always play with the messages off. Only found the bug because the beta resetted all settings to default (alerts on).

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Can't edit my post, so here is a new one.

Retested this: no freeze or CTD for me. Can't reproduce it anymore like I could with the beta stages of 1.30.

So from my pov this is fixed.

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Hirson tonight. Freeze after freeze. Seemed like I froze on every message. No ctds though.:confused:

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Last 2 nights I noticed this was back too.

And, wendesday night I was getting rather long freezes. This was just me and Icetwp multicrewed as a DD and when this was happening the worst we were pretty much all by ourselves.

Otherwise they are just enough of a freeze to be noticeable but wendesday night I actualy thought I had cthled cause the freezes were so long.

The fact that this does not happen to me every game session has me at a loss as to what may be a cause.

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Hummm, last night I noticed slight occasional freezes without any new chat messages. This was again a run with Icetwp as gunner on his DD. At the time of these freezes we were out around stav and pretty much alone.

I also noticed a time or two when opening the map caused a short/quick freeze...Just enough to be noticed.

I did just a few days ago turn on grass shaders and water shaders. Will have to remember to disable one and try a few nights then disable both if no change to see if that's a possibility.

Also dropped AA and anistropic from 16x to 8x so I guess that's something else I need to check.

I'm kinda wondering if this is someway connected to the whitemap bug that many had with 1 core enabled.....I guess disableing a core would be a good thing to check as well.

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Oldzeke do you remember the sudden drop to 3-4 fps you were reporting in beta? I got that too yesterday. Oddly 1 account was having normal fps, the other one 3-4 fps all the time. Restarting the one with the bad fps didnt help, I had to restart them both to fix it. Also alt tabbing still corrupts the text (and sometimes graphics) for me. I turned the notifications off so as not to get the freezes associated with them.

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Yea I remember that. But I've not had it happen since so still no clue as to what was goin on.

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Well, I now know how to stop this (the message related freeze) on my win7 install. If I set affinity to 1 core after starting the game the message freezes stop.

However I then have the white map (I now get it occasionaly with both cores enabled but it clears up faster).

Also if just running the game on one core my fps starts dropping ( ½ or more) on long missions, alt tabbing out and enableing the 2nd core will restore my fps to normal. These have been DD missions mostly with Icetwp, I see no difference in frequency or serverity between dead quiet spots on the map and heavy battle areas.

So it's a trade off. I only get, in general, very short freezes but still noticeable but have had a few that were long enough that I thought I had CTHLed. Mainly the long ones were after being ingame several hours and have never happened when we were in a populated area.

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I turned off the alerts and haven't frozen since. Got other oddities happening though (see threads)

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I seem to only get it once now, first time i spawn into a town, and first message appears, it freezes bady, but after that every other message is fine....?

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I seem to only get it once now' date=' first time i spawn into a town, and first message appears, it freezes badly, but after that every other message is fine....?[/quote']

The behavior of this bug changes all the time. Sometimes you dont freeze at all, sometimes only after first message, sometimes after every message, sometimes you ctd and sometimes you dont. I had all this happen in the last month. To be honest, they are not making another point release with 1.30 (especially for something thats semi-fixable - by turning the alerts off).

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Hummm I turned the alerts off and still seein this. I get the freeze with the inchat capture report.

I'm almost currious if this may be the sound assoiated with the chat reports causeing the freeze.

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I seem to only get it once now' date=' first time i spawn into a town, and first message appears, it freezes bady, but after that every other message is fine....?[/quote']

This happenes to me like this too. Always right after logging in the first time and the first message recieved freezes my sys for a few seconds.

I think I know the problem.

The first time you log and spawn in and get a message, it seems the system is dumping a lot of memory into virtual space and loading something else into physical mem. It's exactly like the stutter over big battles issue for me. It goes away after that first time.

I have 2 gigs phys mem and have noticed that most of the free mem is taken up after loading the game. if I run memory defragger once before spawning in it frees up 40% more memory and I do not get the huge stutter on first message.

So it seems to be something to do with low available memory right after you load the game and spawn in for the first time. The initial memory to load the game is taking up space and gets unloaded as space is needed which unfortunately happens at the first message. Having a lot of available memory is best but Mem defragger forces it out so you don't get the giant stutter while it swaps to disk.

There is another thread on mem management that explains why you might not have all the memory you think you have and it has a link to the mem defragger. http://forums.battlegroundeurope.com/showthread.php?t=278892

I only use that mem defragger once after I log in and before I spawn in and it works nicely to free up some memory space. Don't use it after you spawn in because it will unload all your objects.

What I really need is 2 more gigs of phys ram for the latest patch since it seems to take more memory, although the extra memory allocation is hidden from the main exe. Task manager will show only say 700K used directly by the process but if you go to mem defragger it will show phys mem 98% used or something. After running mem defrag it usually drops to 50% for me.

Edited by eigenman
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  • 4 weeks later...

Happens to me aswell, i get it a lot like every onscreen message causes up to a 7 sec freeze then everything is back to normal.


Core 2 duo E6550 @ 3.4ghz

2 GB ram

Nvidia 9800GT

XP pro sp3

SB Audigy (forgot which one)

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Actually what appears to be happening is the font is being imaged (drawn into a texture) at that point at the larger size. I think this is being moved to the loading timeframe instead of waiting until the first message (maybe 1.30.3, for sure 1.31).

Edited by AHWULF
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  • 2 months later...


E6850, nVidia 8800GTx2, XP Pro autoupdate, 2 Gb, game footprint ~1.2 Gb, 40-60 fps at 1920x1200 (V-sync on).

"Worldviewscreen" freezes, chat is still working. To me it happened two or more times in the same spawnsession as well.

Primarily two occasions:

  1. Change of ownership of (any) cp. I've got framefreeze up to two secs, chat is still working.
  2. Mission leader change; chat is working, notice chat message "orders", have a worldview-freeze, have somewhat "stuttered" paint of message on worldview-screen.

After freeze all works at normal speed. No memory issues so far, one result pending.

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