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Firewall problem


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I have Trend Micro Internet Security firewall. It has never been a problem till this patch. Now it won't let the game load,( it will load with the firewall turned off). I went into the program controls in the firewall and tried adding playgate,& battleground europe to be allowed and that didn't help.

Ran checknetv5,results below

=== Test Started @ Sat May 30 02:18:25 2009

UTC ===

Test 1: Auth Pri -OK- 63ms

Test 2: Main Pri -OK- 62ms

Test 3: Main Alt -OK- 63ms

Test 4: Main PingPri WSAE:: No error (0)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 5: Main PingAlt WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 6: Main Chat WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 7: Event Pri WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 8: Event Alt WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

*** Partial failure.

- Check firewall

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Make sure that ww2_x86.exe and ww2_sse2.exe are allowed through the firewall, just ww2.exe won't cut it.

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i have let all of those mentioned above and still it wants me to check my firewall i have avg do i have to do anything to that?

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Try specifically opening UDP ports in the range 27014 - 27025.

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ive done all that also and still get the same error on the checknet tool

I turned off windows firewall and also opened up all those ports on my routers firewall and checked with a port forward checker and the ports were opened.

There is something wrong with the checknet utility I bet.

Can someone run theres and compare also please.?

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I get the same errors as you, but I can load it.

I do end up with numerous CTDs, freezes, and other general weirdness.

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Make sure that ww2_x86.exe and ww2_sse2.exe are allowed through the firewall' date=' just ww2.exe won't cut it.[/quote']

I thought that I had tried allowing these also, but went back and added them again to be sure, they didn't change anything. Thanks for the info.

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Try specifically opening UDP ports in the range 27014 - 27025.

This fixed the problem I think. At least I can log into the game now, haven't actually tried playing yet.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

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I am not a network guy, sorry. Sounds like you've done everything I would try. Make sure you have a support ticket started and also check in the Community Support forums. Those guys are pretty smart and can offer you a lot more help than I can.

But... if you turn it off and it works then it is definately the firewall. Oh, did you add playgate.exe to the exception list? Try one of the alternaet connection methods and check your router as well.

Is this a PC fire wall?

I don't ever recommend them other than windows, especially if you have a firewall on your router but don't let me be your security consultant, I just provide lulz. On a side note I've had one virus in the last 10 years... *knocks on wooden head*

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Gophur can u run the checknet5 tool from KFSone and let us know if u get the errors that Im getting.

I can play fine, but I get these 2 second freezes every so often and its really annoying.

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I get the same results with my checknet v5 tool. I've opened the right ports, disabled widows firewall, not sure what's going on.

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Gophur can u run the checknet5 tool from KFSone and let us know if u get the errors that Im getting.

I can play fine, but I get these 2 second freezes every so often and its really annoying.

Ok will do.

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=== Test Started @ Wed Jun 03 20:28:25 2009

UTC ===

Test 1: Auth Pri -OK- 8ms

Test 2: Main Pri -OK- 6ms

Test 3: Main Alt -OK- 10ms

Test 4: Main PingPri WSAE:: No error (0)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 5: Main PingAlt WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 6: Main Chat WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 7: Event Pri WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

Test 8: Event Alt WSAE:: Connection refused (10061)*** FAILED: Connect failed

*** Partial failure.

- Check firewall

Yeah I get the same thing. I trust that checknet report about as far as I can shoot a ping pong ball out of my nose.

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