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Ancient annoyance checking FB/bridge status


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Whyyy, whyyyyyyy...

When you select an FB and do ".own" to see its health, fine you see it. You keep on playing.

Later on you go back to the map and want to check it again with ".own" but you only get some other objective info (can't remember exactly but it's just about contestion or whatever it's called). So you have to select something else like a town, nearest town being the town you are attacking, especially if your map is zoomed in because you want to see report marks in detail,thus removing the FB from the map so you can't select it again without having to select your brigade's town and THEN you can select your FB and type ".own".

How annoying is that?!?

Is it possible to make it so that:

A - The selection never times out? (I think this also happens with bridges) I believe this qualifies as a bug.

B - All defensive AND offensive FBs appear on the map when you select a town? At the same time it would be nice to be able to join a brigade on the map by right-clicking the FB just like you do on a town. This is not a bug but it sure would be nice to see all FBs linked to the selected town.

How does that sound?

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When i unsubbed 8 months ago, this was one of my top pet peeves about this game.

I made posts about this but never got much response.

It's a friggin clikfest using this godawful interface

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lol, yes you are right its annoying but nothing we can do, other then post here and wait for gophurs reply and maybe a ticket, if he deems it important enough bug/annoyance.

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wait for gophurs reply and maybe a ticket' date=' if he deems it important enough bug/annoyance.[/quote']

I was hoping that if enough people agree the importance would go up ;)

Anyway, I'm not going to hold my breath. A man can dream though... :)

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Maybe spamming this thread until it gets rat attention will do it :)

..or a mod will just lock it..

But please, if you do, bump it first ;)

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theres so many bugs in this game its ridiculous

not to mention the fricken red triangle on the town covering the town name so u cant even see it ughhhhhhhhhh

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Come on.

- "Yes, it sucks. It's a quick fix. We will do it"


- "**** off"

Flip a coin. Pick a reply :)

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Yes it is indeed annoying. I'm sure crs would be the first to admit that that UI needs a complete re-do.

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.own is designed to tell you the ownership status of the town you are in or tell you the status of a selected facility on the map.

You want it to remember what you last did a .own on and always give you that information? What is that FB is no longer there? Guess it could just go back to default.

I'll ask ramp. Seems like there should be a better way to get what you are after but you didn't really spell that out so let me try:

Goal: When I select a bridge (or other facility/CP) on the map and type .own, remember my selection for each consecutive .own until I do a .own on a new facity (or CP). If my previous target for .own is no longer valid give me the default .own (closest city?). Also add .own clear to clear my selection.

Wow, that's really a lot of dot command mess to deal with just to keep track of how close an FB is to being destroyed. Be easier just to put it on the map in a bar under the name.

probably won't do joining a brigade through a facility at this time.

Gimmie some feedback.

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You want it to remember what you last did a .own on and always give you that information? What is that FB is no longer there? Guess it could just go back to default.

If I remember correctly, you click once on the fb and then do your .own and get the status of the fb correctly. Wait a bit, click the same fb again(this click is the player input that is getting missed by the game) and type own and you end up with the non-fb info.

That being said - I like your idea of the status bar. Either that or a tool-tip type display.

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Tested a little more tonight - here's how to reproduce it.

Spawn in

Open map

Click a town to show fb

Click fb

type .own

[Gets fb status]

Close map

Open map

Click same fb (it's already highlighted, but clicking just to be sure it's selected)

type .own

[Gets info for origin]

Seems the close and opening of the map is the trigger.

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OMG they responded.

This would be great if they could get it straightened out.

Mouse over FB to show damage state% would be best.

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You want it to remember what you last did a .own on and always give you that information? What is that FB is no longer there? Guess it could just go back to default.

Yes please, since you can't re-select it without selecting something else (and you end up with the circus I described in my original post).

I'll ask ramp. Seems like there should be a better way to get what you are after but you didn't really spell that out so let me try:

Goal: When I select a bridge (or other facility/CP) on the map and type .own, remember my selection for each consecutive .own until I do a .own on a new facity (or CP). If my previous target for .own is no longer valid give me the default .own (closest city?). Also add .own clear to clear my selection.

Wow, that's really a lot of dot command mess to deal with just to keep track of how close an FB is to being destroyed. Be easier just to put it on the map in a bar under the name.

It sure would be, but it might add to the map clutter. As someone else suggested, a mouse-over tooltip status would be awesome though!

I am a bit worried about the "status on map"-thing since as it is now you are not automatically given 100% accurate town status.

Usually I notice it when a town is contested and someone caps the AB. The ownership doesn't toggle until you click the town. Can't say it happens 100% and didn't try to replicate (kinda hard) but I know it happens.

Sometimes the map just doesn't follow what is happening in the game so I guess either that bug has to be fixed first or the FB status will probably suffer in the same way.

Maybe I should post another bug report about that ;)

probably won't do joining a brigade through a facility at this time.

No? Is it tricky to associate the FB with the brigades in the owning town? :(

If so, I assume the other thing I asked for, and remind you of again below, will not happen.

Gimmie some feedback.

What about displaying all the FBs linking a selected town, not only the ones in the town you selected? I mean show all allied and axis FBs around a town when you select the town.

That shouldn't be too hard, should it? I mean, it would be really intuitive to click a town and be presented with all surrounding FBs, no matter who the owner is.

Anyway, thanks a bunch for your response. Nice to get a reaction :)

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It is a peeve of mine as well.

Great that someone actually posted!

Gophur, the SAME issue is with Factory status too. Could be related.


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Tested a little more tonight - here's how to reproduce it.

Spawn in

Open map

Click a town to show fb

Click fb

type .own

[Gets fb status]

Close map

Open map

Click same fb (it's already highlighted, but clicking just to be sure it's selected)

type .own

[Gets info for origin]

Seems the close and opening of the map is the trigger.

Brilliant. Will fix. Also may add tool tip.

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"Sometimes the map just doesn't follow what is happening in the game so I guess either that bug has to be fixed first or the FB status will probably suffer in the same way."

Just too expensive to query the host at all times. Not sure why we don;t just have a broadcast to the client and have them remember status ubt that is probably expensive on the client. Damn big map we have.

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"Sometimes the map just doesn't follow what is happening in the game so I guess either that bug has to be fixed first or the FB status will probably suffer in the same way."

Just too expensive to query the host at all times. Not sure why we don;t just have a broadcast to the client and have them remember status ubt that is probably expensive on the client. Damn big map we have.

This might be in the same boat as an increase on queries.

But would we be able to show the fb ownership despite who it is owned by when clicking on a town or do town links prohibit this?

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This might be in the same boat as an increase on queries.

But would we be able to show the fb ownership despite who it is owned by when clicking on a town or do town links prohibit this?

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to squeeze into my request as well (I think).

Click a town ==> See all FBs linking from AND to it. Axis and allied.

Anyway, great to see a fix coming up for the status check :)

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Not sure why we don;t just have a broadcast to the client and have them remember status ubt that is probably expensive on the client. Damn big map we have.

I kind of thought the client gets these messages somehow anyway since we do see EWS alerts, facility capture alerts, AO placements, town ownerships etc in the text chat.

But, I guess those are just strings sent with no logical connection to the actual map on the client. But still, the info does get sent so why not use it?

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Yeah, that's what I've been trying to squeeze into my request as well (I think).

Click a town ==> See all FBs linking from AND to it. Axis and allied.

Anyway, great to see a fix coming up for the status check :)

I'll add a request for that. Not sure if it will work because links are one way.

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