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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.



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R you still workin on the CSR? Cuz i want to know which of my Axis Friends get killed by me.

And that

France 2,039 48,530 33 48.82

Germany 5,138 75,762 102 26.01

United Kingdom 2,817 32,067 24 18.43

Campaign 9,994 156,359 159 27.69

didnt look correct to me :)

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What specifically is the bug you are reporting. I can send RAMP in to fix it if I know that.

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Oh. You don't know? CSR is broken since it came on. Only records kills and shows no missions.

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Just log into your account im sure you have some or someone by crs has oneand watch your combat stats after you make an sortie this campaign or just watch the outstanding K/D ratios from the startpage and you should know that something is goes not right.

For exampel my frensh army service it says 148 killz by 7 sorties ? :) with an K/D 29.6 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT but i **** on the K/D what is stupit i didnt c who i killed cant switch to old sorties etc.pp. cuz its frozen by old 7 sorties from the begin of the campaign.

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Yep, it's great. I was involved in 2 defenses where we where totaly camped by tanks, yet I came out of it with a 44 to 1 K/D ratio! :D

Ramp needs to kick the server a bit.

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What specifically is the bug you are reporting. I can send RAMP in to fix it if I know that.

CSR started to record current campaign stats just before the patch went in, so that might be a possible cause of the problem. As such, CSR managed to record only a few sorties at the beginning of the campaign, & has recorded none since. & then on those sorties that were recorded, the TOM on those are waaaaaay over-stated -- on the order of over 1000 minutes per sortie when (for me) they were only around 10 minutes per sortie.

The only thing CSR is accurately recording right now are kills & human player-induced deaths (i.e. no AI deaths, falling through the Earth deaths, etc.) on the "Units" tab of your persona on the CSR website, & it is posting Global Rankings on the "Awards" tab...

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But imho the probs with the CSR stats came up before the patch was released. But maybe im wrong with that not the youngest anymore :)

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