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silent satchels, namely when placed on FB structures


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Ive noticed this many times, even at fb's where i'm the only one (so theres no way it's a max sound issue)..

basically neither the magnetic satchel sound, nor the subsequent explosion occur (no sound, no physical explosion either).

just now i was sitting in an inf spawn that was 50% damaged (checked when i spawned in)... sat there idly when all of a sudden it got blown... 4 satchels went off without me hearing or feeling a thing (no concussion effect).

This seems to happen around half the time satchels are placed on a FB spawn

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I dont hear them either, but this has been going on for awhile.

Didnt hear them when my tank got sapped the other night.

In all honesty though it is a little gamey hearing the magnetic satchel placement..

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In all honesty though it is a little gamey hearing the magnetic satchel placement..

Perhaps, but we're not hearing the explosions either.

Edit: maybe I shouldn't have said "we", that might be just me.

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Sounds in general have been very buggy for me lately.

First person sound often goes silent.

I've seen EI run very close to my position with no audible sound.

Watch EI and friendly exchange fire, but only one is audible.


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I have noticed this for very long. No sound of any click or explosion and the fb going down.

Is curious cause when i set a charge i always heard the explosion and the click, so must be something about server not notifying us about the charge set and explosion rather than silent charges.

Sure server has some filters so not every player in the game receive all the information about all the happenings on game everytime :-D


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