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tanks going back into supply, bug ?


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I had something similar today , in a stug g one track tracked but everything else find . but this c3 get kill credit on me (despite me killing him) and fighting fine after

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this sortie i took 2 hits from a 3G while my commander was up. My commander died, thats it, gun worked, engine worked, everyone else alive..... why didn't the m10 go back into supply?

No Commanders to replace the dead one. So no tank is available in spawn list. You are DEAD! ;)

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I agree with retter. Most likely explanation is that you were degunned(.50 cal). I think that "feature" is still in the game.

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No Commanders to replace the dead one. So no tank is available in spawn list. You are DEAD! ;)

but doesnt that mean that ultimately an ei rifleman in the veh spawn can eliminate a divisions tank supplies, given that the circumstances were right? I thought if the tank was still operational it still went back into supply, that being that it can fend for itself ie. gunner and driver alive etc. surely it takes more than just a dead commander to leave a tank ridden useless?

For the M10 could it have been your .50?
Something else must have been damaged' date=' no?[/quote']
I agree with retter. Most likely explanation is that you were degunned(.50 cal). I think that "feature" is still in the game.

wasn't my .50 cal, i was shooting at a 110 some time after my commander died. my .50 cal gunner wasnt up in the firing position until i saw the 110 so its impossible that he even got a hit on him.

Edited by blipoop
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No Commanders to replace the dead one. So no tank is available in spawn list. You are DEAD! ;)

Commander dead doesn't count as a kill as far as I am aware, could have been engine damage.

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When i was in AHC and had .du(sees the first like 30 pieces of equipment coming back and how long it takes) i encountered some weird things with me despawning and then it not being in 13 minutes back in supply but wasn't regular enough to really conclude anything.

Maby someone with .du can do some testing or something.

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It says in that sortie u took Crit damage, which means its classed as a kill for some one, which means it wont return to supply, even though u got the RTB.

Possibly an anomaly with CSR though... :D

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but doesnt that mean that ultimately an ei rifleman in the veh spawn can eliminate a divisions tank supplies' date=' given that the circumstances were right? I thought if the tank was still operational it still went back into supply, that being that it can fend for itself ie. gunner and driver alive etc. surely it takes more than just a dead commander to leave a tank ridden useless?[/quote']

I believe a dead commander is a kill. I have killed a few M10's using AA guns from an FMB in which the only damage I could cause was to the Commander.

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I believe a dead commander is a kill. I have killed a few M10's using AA guns from an FMB in which the only damage I could cause was to the Commander.

just by hitting commander with HE or APHE you can kill the others crew members.

BTW hummm rats didin't like my first comments on the last game bug :D

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