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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.



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It's called a "feature", it's so you have time to reflect on why you are paying to play this game with all it's faults.

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When I had the problem of the server locked thingie after a CTHL, instead of logging right back in after the game quits, I open my email or web browser for a couple minutes and then quit them and try relogging.

Maybe it'll help :)

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Hit ALT-F4 when chat is loading when you reload the game after first CTD, it comes pretty quick after you restart. Then start game again. Only fix I know, but then you avoid the fancy red padlocks;)

Edited by janus
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I thought it was that way to prevent more than one person playing an account at the same time, the server just thinks your still logged in since you didn't exit. Happens with L4D2 if you crash and try to rejoin your game it says its full even though its listed as 3 out of 4 players. You just have to wait till your account auto-logs out.

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Hit ALT-F4 when chat is loading when you reload the game after first CTD' date=' it comes pretty quick after you restart. Then start game again. Only fix I know, but then you avoid the fancy red padlocks;)[/quote']

Thank you, tried that, works fairly well, and saves some time:)

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I have gotten 6 cthl's in a row right after i spawn in, i gave up trying. Hopefully re-downloading it fixes it.. i hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did new download fix problem?

My game ran great yesterday. I have now had CTHL within 13 - 30 seconds after first spawn 7 times tonight. If I stay on brigade or map I do not have a problem. Takes the fun out of the game.

I have reset router and internet connection twice and restarted computer twice. Last set of three was after an hours break. I replaced cables from computer to internet also.

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No promises this will help.

With the game running/spawned in open taskmanager ctrl+alt+del. Check cpu useage bottom left on taskmanager box.

If cpu usage is high, like 80% or more look in processes tab in taskmanager, look and see how much cpu % ww2.exe is useing. If it's useing most of the cpu then shut down the game and open your nvidia control panel (no idea if this is a ati thing too...no harm in trying though).

In you vid card 3d settings find threaded optimization and set it to off, not auto or on. Apply the setting and relaunch the game.

And as always in the case of cthl (connection to host lost) try setting the network route to primary or secondary. Best only checks for fastest ping and while may be best ping route it may not be the best/least packet loss route.

Edited by OldZeke
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Hit ALT-F4 when chat is loading when you reload the game after first CTD' date=' it comes pretty quick after you restart. Then start game again. Only fix I know, but then you avoid the fancy red padlocks;)[/quote']

This is the only workaround to the problem. The issue is that, after a CTD, the server sees you as still logged in and so locks you out when you reconnect.

The fix is for the RATS to code it so that when you log in, your "new" log in boots any previous "old" connections. This has no security implications becasue it still allows only one concurrent connection per account, and is the system many games use. If you want an opinion on when it may be implemented for WWIIOL, and if it will be "soon ", you know who to ask ...

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Known Issue. We have a ticket for this. Perhaps if KFSONE is good for Christmas and leaves Santa some extra cookies we'll get this fixed.

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