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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

How did this guy survive?


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I lined up all these clones and tried to see how many I could kill with one bullet. I shot the first batch and all but about 5 died out of 10 or so lined up. So put some more clones and shot again this time I killed 8 with the last one dieing but this guy survived but the guy in front and behind died. I suspect a grassy knoll here.:mad:


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Could be this mate:

Naw that relates to tank, boats and things.. you cant kill them. Even your shots go right through them and blow up on the other side..You notice that I had 10 lined up and only 5 were killed in the first shot so they do interact by slowing the bullet to some degree. though you can kill a infantry clone by shooting him in the foot. :D

I still like the grassy knoll conspiracy hypothesis. ;)

Edited by angriff
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is ther a max number of active ragdolls?

because i tried to place 20 clones pretty much on each other and fired a whole thompson clip in them but only a few died, even tho they are falling down and shoting the rest in the chest.. have to wait before i can kill a bunch again.

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Type .ragdolls on.

OK. What will that change?

And any other commands I should know for clones?

EDIT: n/m... it didn't do anything. Still put a couple of mags rifle into one and all it did was the friendly flinch...

Edited by tayvl
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I was playing a bit and when I started I was able to kill all the clones. I then followed the beta procedure and after that all I got was the flinch...

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Are they planning to make the clones useful after the beta, or is this an experimental thing like torpedo planes and killer ID?

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Are they planning to make the clones useful after the beta' date=' or is this an experimental thing like torpedo planes and killer ID?[/quote']

they'll always be in offline mode from now on.

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If you shoot them with a pistol they only die one at a time. If you shoot them with a LMG you can kill 10 or more.

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Did you see my post above where I said all they did was flinch?

It is simpler than that, and it fooled me at first. You do not get the ragdoll animation if you set your preferences to "Best Performance". They just "flinch" as you said. Increase your settings for graphics quality and they fall and bleed.

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It is simpler than that' date=' and it fooled me at first. You do not get the ragdoll animation if you set your preferences to "Best Performance". They just "flinch" as you said. Increase your settings for graphics quality and they fall and bleed.[/quote']

Will do, thanks for the info.

"I don't need no steenking 'best performance'..."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are they planning to make the clones useful after the beta' date=' or is this an experimental thing like torpedo planes and killer ID?[/quote']

It's for screenshots.

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