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Inf prone position on diagonal surfaces


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Falke88 has figured this "bug" out:

While in prone position and looking over a small hill your sight is like this.


But from the 3rd person it looks like this:



Well, i like it that the infantry model no longer clips through the ground while on a uneven surface. But from the third person it looks quite stupid with that rifle pointing in the air.

Edited by bat242
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maybe its not looks so good but at least u see his part of the head where the eyes should be and not only top of helmet :D

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He just raised his periscope - new feature!!


CRS's replacement for that sucking axis 25mm flak 'gun' is seen for the first time by the public...

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This just looks silly and the inf is now visible over long ranges, while you think in first person that you're hiding. If you can't fix it, I suggest that you revert to the previous version.


Same "bug".


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Yeah I think this is a win some lose some issue. Not sure what we can do about this.

Think it would just be better to have the old thing then.

This doesn't look much better than the old thing and gameplay wise its worse.

But lemme check if the infantry model always stays like this.

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Yeah I think this is a win some lose some issue. Not sure what we can do about this.

Well you should remove it. Like the other guys said, the Inf is visible over long ranges, even though he thinks he is somewhat camouflaged.

The old version works better as long no alternative is found.

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Well you should remove it. Like the other guys said, the Inf is visible over long ranges, even though he thinks he is somewhat camouflaged.

The old version works better as long no alternative is found.

I have waited years for this to come into game, and now ppl want it removed!

Well, i have two solutions that could remedy this issue, first one might not be workable though.


when your avatar is on a slope, the gun is tucked under your head across teh body, this would mean you have to use the aim function to shoot though. The pose would be like the one you have when moving prone.


In all cases the default prone pose is with the gun tucked under your head, with the gun across the body, if solution one is not possible, then this one surely is, the only drawback with this solution is, you would have to aim, if you wish to shoot.

Both solutions provide a good recourse to the gun sticking up in the air, until u aim that is, which is acceptable on slopes. Since the idea would be, that you are revealing your location anyways by aiming at something or firing.


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i think it may have to so with the offline camera view. Spawn lmg get on vert slope where you can shoot over in 1st person then swap to external view. Evrey time i did this the lmg went to the angle of the slope but when i went to 1st person i could see and shoot as normal. swap back to 3rd person the lmg goes back to angle of slope try and shoot in 3rd person the rounds hit the birm go back to 1st they do not hit the birm

hope this helps

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Yeah I think this is a win some lose some issue. Not sure what we can do about this.

Actually Gophur, I think this is simply the sight view won't hold when switching to external view. Not sure though.

Edited by kc23
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  • 2 weeks later...

This just looks silly and the inf is now visible over long ranges, while you think in first person that you're hiding. If you can't fix it, I suggest that you revert to the previous version.


Same "bug".


It looks amazingly less silly than his whole body floating in the air.

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Actually Gophur' date=' I think this is simply the sight view won't hold when switching to external view. Not sure though.[/quote']

Could be but doubt it. This is the new code that tries to stick his body to the ground when he's opn a slope. It just doesn't take into account that in first person he is still horizontal.

Good thoughts though.

Let me share this with RAMP.

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Yeah removing it ain't gonna happen. i say this very rarely but in this case3 "not optional".


We'll see is we can do something about it but the only real alternative is that if you want less barrel, you'll get more head showing.

Right now FPS has a bigger sight picture than exposure. I'd say it is an even trade at minimum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Changes (by ramp):

* version: 1.31 =>

* milestone: 1.31 Known Issues => WWIIOL Wish List


After looking at this, we're going to pass on it for now. All of the easy

options we can do right now for 1.31 has just as many problems as the

original issue, so we are going to punt until the next TPS redo.

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