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Joystick problem in 1.31


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Hi, my joystick SideWinder Precision 2 USB won't work in game. I try to config controls in game but axis's or buttons won't work. It works great in 1.30 version I have installed.

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Exactly the same problem here which I posted earlier..I am on a Saitek ST290 PRO.

Same as Blitz92, I'm also using a Saitek ST290 PRO.

Big pile of junk, huh? :P (joystick)

Edited by solo
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One of my controllers is not working in 1.31:

I have:

  • CH Combat Stick
  • CH Rudder Pedals
  • CH Pro Throttle
  • BU0836X joystick interface card (DYO eleavator trim)

CH-products are mapped to three different CH control manager devices. Pro Throttle isnt working in inputmapper (neither analog axe or buttons). All these works fine in 1.30 with identical mapping.

Edit: System is Vista64, HD 4850, 4gb, all drivers updated

Edited by heikkih
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One of my controllers is not working in 1.31:

I have:

  • CH Combat Stick

  • CH Rudder Pedals

  • CH Pro Throttle

  • BU0836X joystick interface card (DYO eleavator trim)

CH-products are mapped to three different CH control manager devices. Pro Throttle isnt working in inputmapper (neither analog axe or buttons). All these works fine in 1.30 with identical mapping.

I have the similar problem with the CH fighterstick, pro pedals and pro throttle. A few of the buttons work on the fighterstick but nothing on the throtle or pedals and none of the axis' are recognized. I can not keymap any of these products. I tried copying my CFML file over from 1.30 to 1.31 and the old keymapping shows up but does not work.

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My CH Hotas is all working as before.

Copied my cfml in my docs/BE to my docs/BE Test folder and all is fine.

Hi Blfalcon

Were they working before you copied the cfml files over? Did you notice if you could keymap in 1.31 with the HOTAS buttons? in either primary or secondary?

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I didn't try to remap anything. Just copied over the cfml folder is all.

Nope, nothing worked untill the folder was copied.

Did notice when copying over that my docs/BE Test folder didn't have a cmfl folder in it. But it does now.

P.S. I don't use CH's software. Just use the ingame mapper.

Edited by blfalcon
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I didn't try to remap anything. Just copied over the cfml folder is all.

Nope, nothing worked untill the folder was copied.

Did notice when copying over that my docs/BE Test folder didn't have a cmfl folder in it. But it does now.

P.S. I don't use CH's software. Just use the ingame mapper.

I tried to keymap first which wasn't working. This step may have set up a cfml folder in 1.31 because there was one there when I did the next step.

I then copied the 1.30 cfml file contents over to the "existing" cfml file folder in 1.31. The existing folder had a couple of files in it already (a .calib file and something else) so I left them as is. Maybe I need to delete the new 1.31 cfml folder and copy the entire 1.30 folder over for it to work.

Thx for the info, I will try once I get home.

I also use the in game mapper now other than a couple of macros I set up for fast position and view changes in armor and a "panic" macro if sappers footsteps are heard.

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I have a Saitek ST290 PRO and it works on XP.

Please check that you have the latest drivers from the manufacturer for your OS. We have upgraded the Direct Input controller to DI8, which is the latest from MicroSoft i believe.

All these reports need a system spec including OS please.

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Hi' date=' my joystick SideWinder Precision 2 USB won't work in game. I try to config controls in game but axis's or buttons won't work. It works great in 1.30 version I have installed.[/quote']

That's weird.

Mine is a SideWinder Force Feedback 2 PRO USB (basically same as yours) and I had no problem.

WinXP here.

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I have 64bit Windows 7 and I got my joystick working when I made it my default joystick for older games. Start Menu -> Search: Set up USB Game Controllers or something like that, There Advanced...

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Well Gophur,

CH Hotas(fighterstick, throttle, pedals) and XP Pro.

Copied my docs/BE cfml folder to my docs/BE Test

Never tried any mapping in 1.31 just copied over and everything works as it does in 1.30.

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I have a Saitek ST290 PRO and it works on XP.

Please check that you have the latest drivers from the manufacturer for your OS. We have upgraded the Direct Input controller to DI8, which is the latest from MicroSoft i believe.

All these reports need a system spec including OS please.

Intel 2 quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz 3.25 GB RAM

XP version 2002 SP3

Nvidea GEFOrce 9800GT

DirectX - 9.0C

CH pro throttle. CH pro pedals and CH fighterstick

Copied entire cfml folder over from 1.30 to 1.31 (everything worked in 1.30)

Still same problems. Most of joystick/throttle buttons not recognized and cannot keymap

Edited by deman81
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Deman' date=' have you tried deleting the cfml folder in the test folder and just copying the 1.30 cfml over?[/quote']

Yes I tried that with no luck. Same issues as before. The ONLY buttons recognized by 1.31 are the ones I mapped within CH control manager as macros.

Any other ideas GOPHUR?

Edited by deman81
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I think i found the problem. I have CH stick and throttle and VKB pedals. Pedals works fine but CH not working (buttons, axes - no matter). But when i switch Control Manager from Mapped to Direct mode - it works. But it works fine with mapped mode in Il2, Ka-50, WoP, Foxy etc. I hope CRS will solve this problem ASAP...

SYSTEM, if it helps:

I5 750 @ 3340MHz


DDR3 4GB 1333MHz


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Fixed my problem by going to advanced settings for joystick (In Windows.) and putting ST290 PRO as standard device for older games.

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Fixed my problem by going to advanced settings for joystick (In Windows.) and putting ST290 PRO as standard device for older games.

This fixed it for me as well.

XP & X45

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Ok here's what I'm getting:

Joystick plugged in on its own = not recognised

Joystick and rudder pedals plugged in = both recognised, joystick always defined as joystick 2, pedals as joystick 1. This means you have to manually remap every function of the joystick :mad:

Not the end of the world but diagonal hat views have to be edited manually in the cfmls because theres no way you can define them properly in the game keymapper.

win7 64bit

saitek pedals and x52 pro - all software and drivers up to date.

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I think i found the problem. I have CH stick and throttle and VKB pedals. Pedals works fine but CH not working (buttons, axes - no matter). But when i switch Control Manager from Mapped to Direct mode - it works. But it works fine with mapped mode in Il2, Ka-50, WoP, Foxy etc. I hope CRS will solve this problem ASAP...

SYSTEM, if it helps:

I5 750 @ 3340MHz


DDR3 4GB 1333MHz


Same here on the direct mode. I can get all CH products to work now but JS 1 is JS 2...means remapping everything . My macros of course no longer work in direct mode...CRS PLS FIND A FIX TY

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