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1.3.1 Mac Huge Fps Variation ..


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1.3.1 Mac Huge Fps Variation .. going between the usual 20-25 fps to an unusable 4 frames per second.. staying at low fps for 15-20 seconds at a time & then going back up..... I'm also having the crouch & prone non functioning & failure to fire my weapon one stance is altered.

Looks cool tho :)

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Does your FPS vary depending upon what you're looking at?

Well Yes & no, as INF when I jump in starts really high at 70 & within seconds drops to 15 then about 4 when looking at forest in the offline training,, if i stare it seems to go up looking at the same thing.... i thought it would depend on what I'm looking at but seems to go up & down in bursts ... Tried flying online & same thing in the air... hitting clear sky seemed to help going low through trees starts to glitch but didn't seem as related & immediately obvious as you'd think.. & even in clear sky the frame rate would swell & recede to low 15 fps or lower..The Low Fps were way lower & less playable then in the regular 1.3.0 version when flying over busy towns.. will test more.....

MAC 10.5.8 / 2X 2.8 GHZ Quad-Core Intel Xeon 10GB Ram / ATI Radeon HD 2600-256 MB/ Dell 28"

Edited by polspot
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Yea I saw this as well (in between the CTDs which I think I figured out for MARTINI to fix tomorrow). This never happened offline for me over the past few weeks so its something new. Ask PC people if they see the same behavior when you are in an area with them.

ALSO: remember to post your Mac Model/RAM/Video card/VRAM/OS version!

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Well Yes & no, as INF when I jump in starts really high at 70 & within seconds drops to 15 then about 4 when looking at forest in the offline training,, if i stare it seems to go up looking at the same thing.... i thought it would depend on what I'm looking at but seems to go up & down in bursts ... Tried flying online & same thing in the air... hitting clear sky seemed to help going low through trees starts to glitch but didn't seem as related & immediately obvious as you'd think.. & even in clear sky the frame rate would swell & recede to low 15 fps or lower..The Low Fps were way lower & less playable then in the regular 1.3.0 version when flying over busy towns.. will test more.....

MAC 10.5.8 / 2X 2.8 GHZ Quad-Core Intel Xeon 10GB Ram / ATI Radeon HD 2600-256 MB/ Dell 28"

That video card is pushing the bottom limit.

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That video card is pushing the bottom limit.

Yes don't want to be rude but that card is pretty rubbish unfortuntely.

If you can upgrade the ATI 4870 is a huge improvement. The GTX 285 is much pricier but a fantastic card but may be overkill or not compatible with your mac.

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