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Feedback - Radial Clutter


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From the readme:

- Radial clutter has been upgraded

I have my radial clutter sliders set to minimum but yet I still have radial clutter in game. It is, of course, drawn at minimum distance, but is there a way to turn it off altogether or is this a new feature of having radial clutter enabled for all clients?

And with regards to my inquiry about .supertroop - Dude, Gophur, this IS a beta.

You misunderstood or he failed to fully clarify. We are in an open beta but we are testing the RELEASE client code not the beta client code, so the beta functions are not included because that wouldn't be release client code under test. That was what was meant "only in beta" ... the open beta is actually an open test of release client under dev. not a beta client. - Doc

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It appears that radial clutter is forced on at all times, except you can disable it for flying. And yes, this is a change from what was originally said

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It is VERY non-immersive.

Even at max distance it keeps suddenly populating large areas of fields ahead of you.

Very irritating, very distracting.

Make the max distance so far that we don't constantly see it suddenly sprouting from the earth like some stalks from Jack's magic beans, instantly filling huge areas with this distracting animation, or let us turn it off so we can get into the game without being poked in the eye constantly.

Do not like.

Do not want.



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And most ppl dont use it in current live version, apart from taking screenshots or making small game videos.

Option to disable completely would be nice.

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It is better, but it needs to be extended.

Clutter barely touches the framerate, extending it a bit further and making it fade in a little further would be nice.

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People who want to turn it off will have a HUGE advantage over players that have it on..Done and Dusted!

I tend to agree tho that the terrain filling routine is very abrupt..perhaps stream it in gradually, or simply run some LOD routine over the more distant radial clutter?? The abruptness in the clutter fill may have something to do with the visual artifacts that come and go as well?

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Radial Clutter needs to able to be turned off. It draws about 30 feet away and is completely wierd. It is like land measles. It freaks me out like bunch of cockroaches are on the ground.

Edited by angriff
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Radial Clutter needs to able to be turned off. It draws about 30 feet away and is completely wierd. It is like land measles. It freaks me out like bunch of cockroaches are on the ground.

Can't have it turned off, but the range quality needs to be set and unadjustable.

Consider it concealment like bushes - you can't turn it off because in doing so that offers you an unfair advantage.

The range needs to be huge though, 500 - 1000m.

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The new clutter is maybe ankle-high. I can't see anyone actually using it for concealment. Being able to turn it off would be great.

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Well, there's no performance penalty to having it on, right? When I was doing my benchmarks I didn't see any discernible hit on my frame rate but I don't know how it affects those running with minimum specs. If there's not hit for those users and if you want it forced on then I say kick it out to max distance otherwise let us toggle it on/off.

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I think we should be able to make potions from the weeds like we can in Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion. And don't forget to add skills and XP grinding.

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I like the added detail but agree its somewhat distracting as its "filling in" very suddenly.

The mud brown color is also distracting because its much darker than just about any of the terrain tiles. Its almost an unnatural color and is a real contrast to its surrounding colors.

Also noticed, as you move forward the filling in front of you doesn't seem to keep pace very well with your speed.

Drive a truck around and you will see it filling in the clutter very close in front of you but looking behind you its filled in very far. If it could do more filling earlier out in front of you that might help.

I'd also make it about 50% shorter. It seems a bit unnaturally wild and overgrown looking at times.

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I agree with Bacon55. I like the radial clutter but it does seem a bit weird to have it render so close to the player. I know from the offline test my computer's difference in FPS from minimum clutter to maximum was around 2fps (if that) so I'm in favor of increasing it much more.

Based on the infantry fight earlier today, it makes for great cover. All you do is go prone and you're much harder to see; it's good to have somewhere else to hide besides a bush if you come under fire. Of course if an enemy is standing up five meters away he will still see you but that's to be expected.

If you go prone you also won't be able to see very far at all. It's a significant change and it might upset some but it's a necessary switch to more real-world terrain. Fields in real life actually have grass in them, 1.30 is like fighting on the green of a big manicured golf course.

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The radial clutter look, feel, and color is gorgeous. Truly stellar and top-notch.

Very immersive, adds a whole new visual layer to the game.

My main problem is this:

I like the added detail but agree its somewhat distracting as its "filling in" very suddenly.

Unlike the 1.30 clutter (which fades in smoothly, gradually, and equally along the entire edge of the radius), the new clutter instantly appears in large, apparently random chunks. It's not too bad, but it is noticeable.

Tell me that radial clutter does not create FPS hits? Make me believe this.

Radial clutter does not create FPS hits. Believe it or not.

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Radial clutter DOES hit fps.

I had a 10% drop, and I tested multiple times, with multiple settings.

Highest setting dropped 10% from lowest settings.

And I reiterate: The sudden appearance is NON-immersive, it is jolting and irritating and DISTRACTING.

Once it is in, it is fine, but how anyone can say it is more immersive and then simultaneously admit that the sudden appearance is an issue is nuts.

And let's not forget the NUMBER ONE CONSIDERATION: Does it make the game better? There are pluses and minuses, so what is the *net* result?

At this point, the jolting sudden appearance is a negative greater than all the positives.



Edited by romzburg
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My main problem is this:

Originally Posted by linnon

I like the added detail but agree its somewhat distracting as its "filling in" very suddenly.

Unlike the 1.30 clutter (which fades in smoothly, gradually, and equally along the entire edge of the radius), the new clutter instantly appears in large, apparently random chunks. It's not too bad, but it is noticeable.

This is really killing the immersion for the radial clutter if you ask me...

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Consider it concealment like bushes - you can't turn it off because in doing so that offers you an unfair advantage.

Whut? It's the other guy that's in a position that doesn't have clutter (or he's just not lying down) that has an unfair advantage. I have a lot of crap in the way when I try to aim at him, but he can see me clear as day due to there being no clutter at my position on his end...

I never really understood why people wanted to gimp themselves by turning on clutter in the first place. Unless it renders for all and always in the same places, like we get for shadows, someone will have an unfair advantage.

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The new clutter is maybe ankle-high. I can't see anyone actually using it for concealment. Being able to turn it off would be great.
Based on the infantry fight earlier today, it makes for great cover. All you do is go prone and you're much harder to see; it's good to have somewhere else to hide besides a bush if you come under fire. Of course if an enemy is standing up five meters away he will still see you but that's to be expected.

Hang on, guys. You need to understand that the only person that sees your radial clutter is you. Even if both you and your enemy have radial clutter turned on - or forced on - you only see your own. So, for example, if you both have the clutter set at a radius of 50m, and you are 100m apart, you will see yourself amongst short grass, but you will see your enemy as being in the open. And he or she will see themselves as being in short grass while you appear to be in the open.

Radial clutter affects your view of the battlefield, nobody elses.

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Even if it remains mandatory, you will still have situations where one person is in a tank shooting at you from 500m and they don't see any of the radial clutter around you that you see.

While it looks nice in still pictures its going to make it kind of hard for new players that don't understand that the enemys with optics are not seeing the weeds they are attempting to hide in.

If the radial clutter went for a 1k radius that problem almost goes away, but would probably bring every computer to its knees.

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