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Feedback - Infantry Stamina Adjustments


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This thread is for players who have participated in our Focus Test - Infantry Fight.

Please give feedback on the following:

Infantry Stamina Changes

* Stamina gain and loss have been adjusted

* New heart beat effects

* New breathing effects

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Crouching doesn't regain fatique wich is a bit dumb.

In 1.30 standing would regain faster than crouching .. might want to test those times.

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Crouching doesn't regain fatique wich is a bit dumb.

In 1.30 standing would regain faster than crouching .. might want to test those times.

in reality its a lot harder and more work to crouch than to just stand or lie down.

try loading up a full combat load and then stay in a crouch - NOT comfortable.

my only issue with it so far is that the heartbeat/breathing sound can be drowned out by the rain as well as it continues after death during the deathcam spiral- not really game breakers, just things i've noticed.

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Heartbeat and breathing go on a bit too long in my opinion, and quickly become intrusive rather than immersive.

Quite often breathing sounds start playing when you spawn in, either from a facility or msp.

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in reality its a lot harder and more work to crouch than to just stand or lie down.

try loading up a full combat load and then stay in a crouch - NOT comfortable.

my only issue with it so far is that the heartbeat/breathing sound can be drowned out by the rain as well as it continues after death during the deathcam spiral- not really game breakers, just things i've noticed.

Isn't crouching better? You can let some stuff rest on the ground etc.

I could hear the heart but no breathing before that so it almost looked like i got shot or something(although I knew otherwise)

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Heartbeat and breathing go on a bit too long in my opinion, and quickly become intrusive rather than immersive.

Quite often breathing sounds start playing when you spawn in, either from a facility or msp.

I noticed that if hearbeat/breathing is playing while you despawn it seems to continue playing when you respawn.

also agree, it seems to keep playing for a long time and gets a little monotonous at times.

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Isn't crouching better? You can let some stuff rest on the ground etc.

I could hear the heart but no breathing before that so it almost looked like i got shot or something(although I knew otherwise)

No. I recently did four years in the military and what Mcketten said is correct. If you crouch without kneeling, then it's very hard on the thighs and calves. If you kneel, then the weight on your knees becomes very irritating unless they all had kneepads back then. Thus I'd agree that standing and lying down would be best.

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No. I recently did four years in the military and what Mcketten said is correct. If you crouch without kneeling' date=' then it's very hard on the thighs and calves. If you kneel, then the weight on your knees becomes very irritating unless they all had kneepads back then. Thus I'd agree that standing and lying down would be best.[/quote']

^^^ this - even with kneepads you do not want to stay kneeling for very long. and its hard to return to a standing position from kneeling with all that weight.

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* Stamina gain and loss have been adjusted Works good imo, speeds up the inf man

* New heart beat effects Remove it or make it possible to disable

* New breathing effects Same as before, remove or disable

The sound the infantry man makes is the most annoying ting i have ever seen in this game and too be hones I do not understand why you added it. The heart beat is even worse!

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Heart beat and breathing sounds:

OK but a bit annoying after a while. Suggestion could be to have the sound fade away when you are not moving (even if you are not fully rested).

Stamina regain:

I like that you regain stamina faster but you can regain it super fast if you only go down to about 2/3 of your stamina bar.

Basicly you can run for 30 sec, rest for 5 sec, run for 30 sec, etc. That seems a little too much.

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Agree with most here... Heartbeat and breathing seem a little too much for a little too long... I really liked it at first, but after a few sorties it goes beyond immersive and gets into annoying.

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Breathing heavy is a bit too loud IMO, the time duration is fine, tho sometimes a bug (?) seems to make me still breathe heavy even tho my health bar and stamina bars are back up to full.

The speed at which stamina regens is awesome, not only on an individual standpoint, but here is my view on this: this will single handedly augment the amount of infantry presence/visibility therefore the amount of action in the game. I explain: in current version 100s of infantries are hiding/laying down to regain their stamina, hence they are hidden and not participating to the battle, now with a faster stamina regain rate, all those players will get up and be in the action (as in visible and either being targets or targetting something). Now project that over 24 hours and thousands of spawns, time after time, you have a more active game overall and I think we all agree that we NEED more action and presence in the game...

So am saying: keep stamina regen as it is now in 1.31.25, it will improve the game overall greatly.

Now about the breathing, how about a mix of things? Lower the volume on breathing, lesser the duration, but how about when we are empty of stamina (well 50%) make the screen edges go darker? As in when one gets hurt a tad bit and you screen becomes a tad grey and a bit circular at the edges? This would be realistic, IRL every soldier knows that tunnel vision will set in if one is too venting or nearing exaustion, this effect would subside as soon as the infantryman lays down and recups the first 5% of his stamina.

Personaly I find breathing heavy to be fun at first, but it does become a bit too much, howerver i think players who push their sprint time too far should have to suffer...

Thats my 2 cents...

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The breathing continues as you bring up the iron sight to your eyes, when there used to be a slow exhale. It doesn't seem to be affecting how much it sways, though. I'd imagine after sprinting a couple hundred m it would bounce all over the place.

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* Stamina gain and loss have been adjusted

I like it, is it really going to regain that quick? If so, i think it will improve the game compared to other games on the market.

* New heart beat effects

good, I think the volume could be a touch lower

* New breathing effects

like it

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