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Feedback - Infantry Ragdoll, Corpses, Death and Blood


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This thread is for players who have participated in our Focus Test - Infantry Fight.

Please give feedback on the following:

Infantry Effects

* Ragdoll death animations

* Infantry corpses

* Blood splats

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The ragdoll animations and blood seem fine, except that the weapons seem to inevitably clip into the ground.

Seeing a MAS36 barrel sticking straight up out of the ground by a corpse is kind of odd.

I also noticed that a majority of the time the ragdolls either fell forward with their arses in the air or fell back with legs spread...which leads me to think that someone over there in the dev team needs to get a girlfriend....

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Yeah, ragdoll seemed to work well for me too the few times I got a kill. I did notice however some freindly statues. I'm assuming these were corpses that were showing as either someone frozen in a run or someone with arms thrown out frozen in some sort of crusifixtion like pose.

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Everything seemed to be working fine, ragdoll wise.

One big no-no i noticed, some bodies (quite a lot really) were dead but still in a combat stance etc..?

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Anyone else getting super jittery ragdoll? It's more like they're having a seizure and collapsing. I'll try to record it with fraps when i get back from work later tonight.


Windows XP

2.4GHz dual core.

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Ragdolls: Seems to me the infantry has a bit too much weight to it, meaning if one gets shot in the right shoulder (for example), one's body should twist both vertically and potentially horizontally, as it is now it seems that infantry mostly falls back or forth when shot by bullets. I mean getting a LMG round in the shoulder should send one flying and twisting, as of where say a revolver shot would kick less... Not sure if am being clear.. :P

Blood: Slatting seems fine, but I agree with a few others blood is too bright, perhaps some transparency effect could be added? I mean if blood is on grass, it shouldnt look bright red... If its on cement then yes a bit brighter is fine, lets keep in mind that blood, when pouring, is often almost black, specially in the case of bullet damages... But overall I saw blood slatters that made sense in quantity and disposition...

Corpses: Hard to discuss now since there is so many invisible deaths (players standing like wax statues), but in general my only beef is also the dropped weapons, not a show stopper tho, just odd at times...

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to much hollywood...

the power of the round is the same as the kick to you shoulder... so you should not be send flying...

I like the effect as it is atm.

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* Ragdoll death animations

awesome, i was surprise I could see the result of my death slightly. it would be great to see my full death from bullet hit to fall to the ground, maybe with a little slo-motion. This would really show off this great new addition to the game.

* Infantry corpses

looks good, not so rigid looking, more natural

* Blood splats

great looking, I was pleasantly surprise with the deep red color, gj!

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Unfortunately due to CTDs, I wasn't able to play a lot. However, I did get one good sortie in where I was a LMG and took out three EI on the roof. Were my first and only kills of this beta so far and I will admit, it did bring a nice smile to my face the first time I saw an EI slide off the roof.

I think the best part about it is that it made it 10x easier to know if I actually hit someone. I don't know how many times in the past I'd shoot someone on the roof only to be unsure if they were actually dead or not. At a distance, an EI lying on its back and one lying on its stomach looks almost identical.

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Ragdolls: Seems to me the infantry has a bit too much weight to it' date=' meaning if one gets shot in the right shoulder (for example), one's body should twist both vertically and potentially horizontally, as it is now it seems that infantry mostly falls back or forth when shot by bullets. I mean getting a LMG round in the shoulder should send one flying and twisting, as of where say a revolver shot would kick less... Not sure if am being clear.. :P[/quote']

I disagree. One or two LMG rounds is pretty much going to have you continue your momentum. If you are running forward and are hit twice, your momentum will most likely carry you forward until you fall face first into the ground. I think even a round in the upper chest if you were just standing there would also cause you to buckle forward just based on how the body is made.

Blood: Slatting seems fine, but I agree with a few others blood is too bright, perhaps some transparency effect could be added? I mean if blood is on grass, it shouldnt look bright red... If its on cement then yes a bit brighter is fine, lets keep in mind that blood, when pouring, is often almost black, specially in the case of bullet damages... But overall I saw blood slatters that made sense in quantity and disposition...

You are right that as blood sits, it should be darker. However, when it pours it will be a bright red if an artery is hit (and it will squirt rather than pour). If an artery is not hit, it will ooze a dark red.

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Ragdoll death.

If you hit an inf with a 76 mm ATG he falls over like he was shot,If you strafe him in a plane they fly 15m in the air, if hit with atg gun or Bomb they should take massive physic effect they currently do not, Also the HE rounds need better spall effect as the radius needs to be almost a direct hit for a kill.

That being said it perfect animation for small arms little knock back.

Edited by zaltor
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From great heights the infantry generally fall and become static very nicely indeed but have a tendency to process too much when being shot from prone or standing.

The blood splats look really cool against objects, I'm not sure what has been done network wise but the death message seemed to process faster.

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The ragdoll effect was hit or miss during the infantry focus. Some kills had the effect, some did not.

It may have to do with the position (up/prone/crouched or whatever the middle position is called). I'd say that ragdoll only worked when the target was standing up normally, and not when lying prone or crouched. I also had two kills inside builldings on the second floor and no ragdoll effects there.

When all infantry started going at a 45 degree slant or half disappearing into the ground, there was no ragdoll effect at all. They would just stay frozen.

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Ragdolls: Seems to me the infantry has a bit too much weight to it, meaning if one gets shot in the right shoulder (for example), one's body should twist both vertically and potentially horizontally, as it is now it seems that infantry mostly falls back or forth when shot by bullets. I mean getting a LMG round in the shoulder should send one flying and twisting, as of where say a revolver shot would kick less... Not sure if am being clear.. :P

Blood: Slatting seems fine, but I agree with a few others blood is too bright, perhaps some transparency effect could be added? I mean if blood is on grass, it shouldnt look bright red... If its on cement then yes a bit brighter is fine, lets keep in mind that blood, when pouring, is often almost black, specially in the case of bullet damages... But overall I saw blood slatters that made sense in quantity and disposition...

Corpses: Hard to discuss now since there is so many invisible deaths (players standing like wax statues), but in general my only beef is also the dropped weapons, not a show stopper tho, just odd at times...

That's not how bullets work in real life.

Hollywood has bodies getting knocked around, but have you ever shot a pig or deer with a hunting rifle?

They don't get knocked around.

Most of the time a bullet simply makes a hole and damage, and there is no indication that an impact was made, the animal just drops, or reacts as if startled (not as if a linebacker hit them), or runs away and drops.


My opinion is that the decal is too large. I think the color is fine.



Edited by romzburg
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Hollywood has bodies getting knocked around, but have you ever shot a pig or deer with a hunting rifle?

They don't get knocked around.

Most of the time a bullet simply makes a hole and damage, and there is no indication that an impact was made, the animal just drops, or reacts as if startled (not as if a linebacker hit them), or runs away and drops.

Exactly. I've hit deer in the heart on more than one occasion. Exactly like you said, they just fall down as if they were lying down (they don't fall over sideways usually). With non-vital shots you can usually see the ripple in them. Kind a startled reaction like you say.

I use a Model 1917 (30-06), so the rifle is quite comparable with what they used during WWII.

As for the person who mentioned them falling when getting hit by high caliber rounds. There is a point there, but at least you can tell they are dead.

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Not sure if this was intended for performance or not but when infantry ragdolls becomes static the LOD of the model switches to a much lesser detailed model.

Body whilst processing physics:


When static:


Quick side note: Happens for all infantry models not just the French rifle used in this example.

Edited by gtanner
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Yeah we're still looking at performance on these. Kinda needed because you can draw corpses for a really long way but they have no LODs so we have to pick one.

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