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[] Minor animation problem: pak38/40 doesn't roll, it glides


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Looking externally at the pak38 and pak40 (I only tested those, so there may be others), it looks like they're gliding rather than rolling. I realized this is because the wheels don't turn at the right rate, they turn too slow so the point where the wheel contacts the ground is not stationary but moves forward. (I think someone didn't calculate v=omega*r correctly here...;))

See movies: PaK 38 and PaK40. The turning of the wheels for the PaK40 also seems clunky, like it doesn't turn smoothly but in steps.

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Lut can you test all of these guns? Prefer too to test them in third person. If you're nto able to get to it I can make a thread requesting tests.

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Lut can you test all of these guns? Prefer too to test them in third person. If you're nto able to get to it I can make a thread requesting tests.

Yeah, I think I can do that, except beta times next week are all during US workday so I'm not sure that I can do it online.

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OK, I had time to go through the German and some of the British guns today. Conclusions:

  • Out of the ones I tested, the problem with the rolling speed during straight movement seems to be limited to PaK38 and 17lber. It seems to be most noticeable during high speeds, which is weird because it seems hard to understand why it wouldn't be the same at all speeds.
  • I think the effect I was seeing has to do with turning: Much more noticeable is that the wheel rotation speeds are not affected by turning, the two sides always turn the same speed at what seems to be the center-of-mass speed. This has two effects:
    • If you turn stationary in a circle, the wheels should go in opposite direction, but they don't move at all: Movie
    • When you turn while moving, the outside wheel spins too slowly while the inside wheels spins too fast.

    This only happens online. Offline external is fine.

    [*]Also, when beginning and ending a turn, or when changing from turning left to right, etc, the gun will slide to the side somewhat. This seems to happen with all the guns, but is particularly bad with the PaK38: Movie. I assume this has something to do with the animation smoothing, but it looks really silly.

    [*]PaK40 and 17lber wheels don't move smoothly, they snag or jerk at certain points in their revolution.

    [*]When starting a very slow turn from stationary with the 17lber, it doesn't actually turn, it just starts sliding sideways (i.e. it can "strafe"): Movie. The gun slides the opposite direction of the turn, so in the movie I've started turning right and the gun slides left.

    [*]When the gun stops, it does not always stop spinning the wheels. I was unable to figure out what makes this happen. You see this in 1st person, too.

    [*]In the spawn-in position, the 17lber wheel clips through the gun shield: Movie

    [*]In general, the spawn-in position looks retarded, because the gun barrels are so depressed they scrape the ground. They also seem to be maximally pointed sideways. I can't imagine anyone moving a gun in that position.

    [*]The ground clutter goes through the wheel, so you can see it poking through to the inside of the tire on guns with thin wheels.

I'll try to get to the other guns, too.

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Ok, finally was free during beta hours, so I tested the other guns. The only one that might look like the wheels are rolling too fast at high speed is the Hotchkiss, but it's hard to tell. At low speed they all seem fine. Also, the remark about spawn-in position of gun barrels is particularly acute for the M1 57mm.

In general it's the guns that roll fast that have a more severe sideways slide when changing turning direction. I guess that's not a big surprise...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since this hasn't been ticketed, I'll add one more thing. Could only test offline since the beta isn't up this week, but the tracks on the sdkfz 7 move faster than the wheels do.

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