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Need Test - ATG and AAA climbing walls?


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With the mle 1934 you can climb the side of buildings like spiderman. When you push forward into something the nose will tilt down. Keep moving forward so you are looking straight down. When you are nose down the atg will climb walls and vertical surfaces

How to climb:

Find a place where there is a wall behind you and infront of you. Nose into the wall in front of you so you go face down and then walk backwards into the wall behind you and you'll climb it. I've climbed tree's, top of buildings, up stairs, ect. The other guns I've tried don't tilt down like the 1934 ATG so it can probably be fixed.

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Now that is a great find. Hope it doesn't get removed for the final version of 1.31.

Shooting from the top of buildings has its advanatages, lol.

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Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz

Memory: 3072MB RAM

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT

Display Memory: 1024.0 MB

Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Driver Name: nv4_disp.dll

Driver Version: 6.14.0011.9621 (English)


French Guns

25mm SA mle 1934 AT gun: behaves as described as above. When pushed against a wall it stands up on it's barrel, at which point it exhibits all sorts of wall climbing, tumbling oddness.

47mm SA mle 1937 AT gun: doesn't stand on its barrel, but the barrel slowly pushes through the wall as far as the gun shield. You can't see through the wall, but you can actually fire through it.


M1 57mm: seems to behave correctly.

25mm CA mle 1938 AA gun: barrel tilts down then gun tumbles sideways.

Bofors 40mm AA gun: seems to behave correctly.

M5A2 3" (76.2mm) AT gun: same as 47mm (above) - barrel pushes through wall as far as gun shield, gun can fire through wall.

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British 2lber ATG is even worse. You can push it partly through a wall so that you can both see and fire. Some walls, like the vehicle spawn, you can push the gun completely through and out the other side.

17lber: barrel pushes partly into wall, then the gun spins round.

6lber: seems to behave correctly.

Edited by peegee77
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Can you test all of these out?

Gophur, this is actually a known issue.

Reported in the ATG topic, although did not check if it can run up walls.

I bumped it up:

"Small Atg Clipping Though Gun Pits Port"

Edited by frantish
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British 2lber ATG is even worse. You can push it partly through a wall so that you can both see and fire. Some walls, like the vehicle spawn, you can push the gun completely through and out the other side.

17lber: barrel pushes partly into wall, then the gun spins round.

6lber: seems to behave correctly.

Does 2lber ATG still nose dive when pushing it across a field? You have to turn it around and pull to get it to straighten out... I hate that.

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Can you test all of these out?

I know you can climb walls with the pak36 in 1.30. I actually got on top of the church steeple once. I'm not sure if this is an entirely 1.31 issue.

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Well I'm not sure where my other thread went, but here's the video I made of me testing the pak 36's ability to climb walls.


I know this is 1.30 but I think it's important to see that this is not solely a 1.31 issue.

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Well I'm not sure where my other thread went, but here's the video I made of me testing the pak 36's ability to climb walls.


I know this is 1.30 but I think it's important to see that this is not solely a 1.31 issue.

Flak 30 will as well in 1.30, don't have latest 1.31 installed yet to check it.

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You can also 'reverse climb' trees with Cmle1934 and FlaK30 (you fall off at the top). Also reverse up the ramp onto the garage roof and up the top of the FB vehicle spawn.

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M5A2 3" (76.2mm) AT gun: same as 47mm (above) - barrel pushes through wall as far as gun shield, gun can fire through wall.

The M5A2 is probably the worse clipper of the bunch. You can move through an entire wall. Many guns get to the wheels and stop but the M5 is the Houdini gun. At least it was in

With the wall climbers. Most guns will climb walls if you can tip them over. Just some of the heavier guns can't climb, probably due to mass. If there is a way to prevent the guns from tipping over it would be a good band-aid.

Edited by snailtrail
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This doesn't appear to be new and I'm having a fair enough of a hard time doing it that I would think it would be difficult for most players to do this without really trying to game the game.

Probably going to have to wait for a redo of these things but I'll ask art to take a look. Doc too probably.

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