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Need Test - Walls invisible in destroyed state with normal maps on


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The SE wall (side wall) of AB Veh Spawn in Roermond West invisible from outside when the spawn is in the destroyed state. Stand SE of the veh spawn and look NW at the spawn and the whole wall is gone. The collider is there but no visible wall.

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Someone mentioned the same thing in haybes, but the rest of us (about 4 of us) could see the wall.

I'll try to talk to people as they see it in beta and find any consistencies and tell them about this thread.

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lots of walls are missing. Church have many walls missing and other buildings too.

Someone said Nvidia have new drivers out today. Will try them.


Running Windows 7 64Bit

Nvidia 8800GTS (drivers 196.21)

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should have put this link in here too, nvidea drivers website. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx?lang=en-us

just tell it what card you have or let the website find out and itll point you to the latest drivers.

same idea for ATI, but none of the players seeingthis bug have said they had anything but nvidea. http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx

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Latest Nvidia drivers 197.45 did not fix this issue.

silly question, but have you restarted your computer since the install? sometimes I need to do that when I install something for it to work properly.

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silly question' date=' but have you restarted your computer since the install? sometimes I need to do that when I install something for it to work properly.[/quote']

Yes I did a restart after installing even if the installer did not ask me to.

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*possible cause*

I got the wall to come back when I disabled normal maps in the video preferences. Need others to confirm this or if it is just my end.

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*possible cause*

I got the wall to come back when I disabled normal maps in the video preferences. Need others to confirm this or if it is just my end.

just got told this was a known issue.

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Got the same -


Was also getting missing textures in random areas, move slightly one way or the other and everything was ok.



That is with 196.21, will update tomorrow and see if it is fixed.

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Tried with 197.45 and got the same issues in Roermond West.

System: AMD Phenom II X4 955, GTX 285, 8 GB RAM.

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Could not find any invisible walls in Haybes. But most buildings was NOT in the destroyed state so I can't tell for sure if it's fixed or not on my end. No time to sit around and wait for them to get bombed...

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Still seeing this in Roubaix. Destroyed state barracks is completely invisible.

Why do barracks even have a destroyed state? They don't really change, do they?



Ya know, at first Romsburg, you rubbed me the wrong way and I wasn't a fan. But over the past 12 months, you have really grown on me. You're precise, well spoken and although you are sometimes a little harsh, you are most often correct and in proper context with your responses.


indeed he's one of the few voices of common sense on these forums

  pete said:
I can't say [any]thing else [than] that the ban was justified considering that you have an 'impressive' TOS history....
The only thing worse than being talked about is *not* being talked about.
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