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Feedback - Concussion Bug #4193


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Noticed this while stationary at first, but wrote it off as grenades and mortars...

But while I was RTBing back to the FB I was getting it consistently without any incoming fire... some squaddies noticed a similar thing as well.

Haven't tried other armour, so not sure if it's limited to the Sherman.

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I was a rifleman approx 1km out of town and had non-stop concussion effects going for over 5 min. No bombs being dropped anywhere near me nor shell fire landing anywhere near me. It made the game completely unplayable.

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I am having the exact same problems...1.31 looks cool but the constant concussion gave me a headache and is unplayable.

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I've gotten it as well. It's either tied to tank fire or bombs I don't know. Sometimes it goes away if I wait a while.

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Ive had this too a couple time, usually it happens after spawning in and lasts for several seconds before going away. Nothing near 5 mins tho, that sounds frustrating.

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I was a rifleman approx 1km out of town and had non-stop concussion effects going for over 5 min. No bombs being dropped anywhere near me nor shell fire landing anywhere near me. It made the game completely unplayable.

Same happened to me

Respawned and issue fixed

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I noticed this too but this was in the Beta while the live server was down.. I was in a sherman 76 and got tracked and the tank wasn't moving but while i was in the gunner view the screen was shaking so bad I could barley see anything. So i ended up having to despawn.

Not Concussion Bug

Edited by GOPHUR
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happened to me randomly throughout beta.

no pattern i could detect. it would happen while crawling around a berm, running over open ground, crouched in a window. sometimes it would stop after a minute or two, somestimes not.

all we can do is .report.

spawned as inf each time it happened to me.

intel q6600


geforce 8800GT 512MB

Win 7 x64

Edited by phertiker
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I had this throughout beta.

Was unplayable at times.

Really bad around Large Caliber AAA AI such as AFs Docks and Factories.

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I had this happen last night in a Tiger. I'd get a concussion effect going for 30 seconds, then I'd be fine for a few minutes, then I'd get a concussion effect going for several minutes, then it would stop for a couple minutes, then come back, etc.

I spawned several times as several different things and only had it happen that one time.

The people I was playing with weren't getting it at first, then started getting it later.

Respawning clears it up.

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Yeah had that bug guarding a depot bomb or shell went off near by as i was running into depot got the normal screen shake then went inside building. after about 20 secs and me being prone on the floor it went away. But if I went outside again it would restart. Wierd stuff

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I was in Bergheim last night as an inf and would get this intermittently, BUT i only got the screen shake and loss of sound, and not the red screen.

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just saying this so gophur doesnt have to :P

you guys should post your system specs and make sure you have the latest video card drivers.

ATI/AMD: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx

Nvidea: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx?lang=en-us

I doubt it's a video card problem, since it also comes with sound -- it's the full concussion effect. For some reason, the client simply thinks it is supposed to be having a concussion and it gives you that effect with lights and sounds, over and over and over.

I didn't have it at all last night, though. In fact, I've heard no complaints since the first night where there was that massive battle going on as we all logged in when the server first came up.

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Had the concussion bug for the first time in veghel yesterday, but it was localized to when I ran from the eindhoven depot up the main north-south road in town. If I was on the road, I would get the concussion effect, but if I avoided that area by running a different direction, the concussion effect was gone. Respawning had no effect on this, everytime I went to the same area it would happen again.

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I get this bug occasionally but only when spawning in. It goes away after about 15 seconds.

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This is reported fixed in the next beta though I don't think we'll get it in beta w/o a lot of people on.

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on the live server with was in Diest yesterday in a Pz4 got seriously bad concussion effects - screen shake/blur (close to vomiting irl) from mortar rounds going off nearby and when I drove past a friendly bofor that was firing at AA - yet no concussion effects from tank rounds exploding nearby - perhaps STO issues?

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First time I got it last night. After a long flight I made it to a perfect perch with my sniper rifle, right near an EI spawn. But I couldnt shoot due to the quake bug. I wasnt very happy with it.

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Full concussion bug at Dinant, was one of the reasons I stopped flying, now its on the ground..help.

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A great deal of KGW got simultaneous concussion bug during our attack on Herbeumont, at least the Panzers. Supposedly, the allies got it as well, so we could cap town anyway.

We also lost a large part of the first (and best) wave of Panzers to simultaneous CTD on the attack on Dinant, but that's a different bug.

What's strange here was that it all happened to a large group at once.

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That is strange indeed. I'll update the ticket with that.

Allied HC developed the nuke? ;)

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