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Feedback - Concussion Bug #4193


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I had this bug two times, not as often as others, apparently. Both times happened in very thick combat. First time was an ATG during Dinant defence, though I spawned in Anhee. I hitched to a truck and it only went away for a few seconds during the whole drive.

Second time happened in a Char, might have been triggered initially by incoming fire.

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Had this happen several times now. If it is worth mentioning, also had it happen out in the middle of an empty field with no action going on nearby... makes sniping a bugger:cool:

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Had this happen tonight in Huy. Massive screen shake and ear ringing every few seconds. Started in a field and continued with me into town. I was eventually killed since I couldn't aim at anything and it went away. ;-)

Bombs were dropping in town, but nowhere near me. Seemed related, unless the bomb sounds were bugs as well.

Intel Core2Quad Q6600


NVIDIA 8800 GTS w/latest

Onboard sound set to "hardware" in game.

Windows 7 64-bit

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I've had this happen only once as infantry approaching a berm on the outskirts of a town. I do think something fired towards me (but not 100% sure) and then it started. It never stopped (didn't wait too long, just de-spawned).

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Had the bug last night.

I was an para and when i landed on the ground i keep having the concussion bug until i died.

Maybe it has to do with the Flack when we jumped out the plane. At the moment we jumped we were having Flack around it.

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I have had this happen twice since 1.31 was released. both times I was on the ground (typical for me). Once I was a bofors at an FB not very active another time as inf in town of a very heavy fight.

To resolve it I respawned.

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Me and 2 squaddies were on our way to camp Verviers AF today.. and we got this concussion bug on the way there for a while. Eventually we got there, and although it was hard to camp with the bug going on, it stopped once or twice when the AF AI stopped shooting.

Guess there's some relation?


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Fighting at Spa today...many people, including myself, were rendered useless by this bug. Not just once, but I had 4 of 5 missions killed because of it.

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I got it on the live server yesterday, and both my towing and main accounts (which are on a mac and a pc) got it at exactly the same time.

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I posted a .report on this when it happened, but I'll write it here so others can test it.

Had series of mild concussion bugs as inf spawning from the same MSP on a steep hillside, thought maybe it was due to the angle of entry, as that was the most consistent series of this error ive seen. I say mild, there was a shaking of screen and ringing, but no red-out.

What was UNIQUE about this situation, was that the bug would disappear when I was within a certain range of a teammates 232. As though the vibrations or sound of the 232 were enough to override whatever was causing my body to shake (that is what concussion is caused by correct??). I field tested it, and 3 times the bug started when the 232 was outside of my map "circle" (map at 56m or so) and it ended 3 times when within.

HOWEVER, it DIDN'T work when the 232 wasn't on AND rolling.

Hope this helps fix your game.

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Had another concussion bug 2x last night, full red out and lensing of screen.

Both times I spawned into the FB at Leige-vevier Axis, Half-track, and heard a wind-like shif shif shif sound growing, almost like a muffled 20mm he cannon firing in the distance. Then the sound stopped and the red out-ringing started. I was tow man, and we needed guns, so the second time, I pulled off my headphones and drove through it (NOT a fun experience).

What was strange, I had my mini-map at 403m, and when the FB got outside of my compass circle, the concussion stopped and everything was normal. This happened 2x's.

The unfortunate thing, or maybe important, was that there were also a number of Axis armor units parked or headed south, maybe 4 or 5, at about the same distance as the FB, but to my SW. While I was out of this range of the FB and the armor, the concussion bug was gone.

When I returned to the FB about 4 min later, the concussion didn't start again, but the armor to the SW was dispersed.

Sorry I can't identify the armor units that were in use in this instance.

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Had strange concussion bug last night in Kerpen defense. Spawned in on a Defensive MS approx 1km SW of town. Had concussion bug immediately upon spawn in, but it wasn't full on.

Screen would shake for a second but would not go to full "red out" and blurred screen. It would stop at initial shake, but go no further.

The concussion bug lasted for almost the entirety of the spawn in as I approached from the MS to the Euskirchen CP. As I crossed the Euskirchen road, the bug stopped.

Very strange.


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I had the concussion but at Kerpen too. It would stop occasionally but as soon as I fired it would start up again. Eventually it was constant and and never stopped. I logged out after a half hour of this nonsense.

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Concussion bug definately NOT fixed with last patch. Had it twice tonight and a few of my squad members did as well. We were all AA guns.

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Concussion big still exists as well as mission results pending bug. Don't worry though we are adding new features and bugs soon and we won't care about the old bugs.

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It's not a lack of caring, it's that you can't reproduce this bug on demand which makes it really hard to fix. It only seems to happen live if there are a ton of explosions happening in a small area somewhere on the map.

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It's not a lack of caring' date=' it's that you can't reproduce this bug on demand which makes it really hard to fix. It only seems to happen live if there are a ton of explosions happening in a small area somewhere on the map.[/quote']

Then TURN off the concussion effect!!! if thats possible, omg its driving me nuts, today in dinant

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Just got conc bug twice in a row at Vliss in a destroyer.

Just turn concussion off or something until this is fixed because it makes the game totally unplayable.

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ftlog fix this. Its happened to me 3 times today. twice when ai was firing at planes I think it kept going red and i would hear the boom. then it happened when I was in Twerp as inf. This time however I didnt get the red tunnel vision but i had the shaking.

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Occured to me first time in several years over the weekend. Towing my main account from Consenvoye to Verdun, both accounts on seperate computers got concussion bug at the same time. Despawned and respawned both accounts. Concussion bug again 30 seconds later. Stopped and turned off truck engine and pressed escape to despawn. Concussion bug ceased to both units 5 seconds later. Cancelled despawn, started engine and concussion bug reappeared to both units. Reports of concussion bug were being reported on side channel by others as well.

Unsure if related: subsequent sortie in another part of the map I received a message stating netcode2 had failed.

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