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satchel audio - this is seriously bugged


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How many times do you just not hear satchels place OR explode???

I was just sitting in a inf spawn at a FB that was at 50% (veh 0%). Two minutes later i check the status and the vehicle is down. didnt hear saps placed nor any explosions.

two minutes later, i hear footsteps for half a second and a satchel placed right outside the inf. i run out, kill the ei and the FB goes down.

That means that not only did i not hear him approach the inf spawn, but I also didn't hear him place the 3 previous satchels, NOR did i hear them explode or get any kind of concussion as a result of the saps going off.

The guy put 8 saps on the FB in the time i was there and i only was able to hear the last fcking one.


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Yep - had this before...

Something going on for sure...normally, by the time its happened its not as if you have any evidence that anything, less any evidence of an attack, to report!

So its interesting you saw it happening.

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Also have you ever hear a strange sound at FB that sounds like a rifle bolt action being ejecting a spent shell after you just sap the FB? :confused:

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I've had this happen too, don't hear any explosions at the FB going off, very frustrating.

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i had this today and even better, i didnt even SEE it explode, luckely it was a friendly sap but still

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