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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

this is not what i pay for by the month


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yeah ok ' date=' all your comments are really funny, hahaha , my monitor defualt is 1920x1200x32 the live online game is supposed to be the same thing ,but ,its not anymore! i stop playing for a week or so i come back and my ingame live online res. i 800x800x32 . i don't know what the problem is . now since you all think this is such a joke , i'll just go to my bank and have them get my money back and i'll enter a fraud claim, then they'll as usually contact the fbi, i'll go that route[/quote']

1.Have you checked to see if your video card is listed in your device list via control panel. 2.Have you reloaded your video drivers yet. They can go bad on ya.

I know some video card software has options that ask you if you want to use your desktop settings while playing games so maybe that as well. Barring that I would say video card might be going bad driver might be shot or some other app is controling your settings or like one guy said you reg. might be borked or a virus but you seem pretty sure its not that so i will leave that one alone.

Might try restoring to a backup if ya got one if you only started haveing problems and you have been away from pc for a week and it was working well then maybe just doing a restore to that point might help. Thats if you do backups.

P.S.- sounds alot like your system is useing a default widows driver in place of your video driver. Though 800x800x32 is kinda wierd. Anyway hope you get it fixed

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look , i've tried everything. it just seems strange that my res. is fine in the open beta testing , but in the live online game i'm only getting 800x800x32

open beta 1920x1200x32

live online play 800x800x32

i've tried settings and everything else you guys got me jumping through hoops and it ridicules

it only makes sense that if open beta my res. goes to 1920x1200x32 that my online play should be 1920x1200x32 ,but, its not! UNLESS ! the open beta testing is effecting my online resolution! which i think it is

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I'm trying to replicate this and I'm finding something odd, I can open the live game perfectly and change my resolution with ease but i cannot open the live game settings.exe it crashes on open, but the beta settings.exe works fine.

The two aren't linked so they wont share resolution.

I can't recreate this gunny. I've gone into the game changed my res to 800x600 32, saved then exited. Loaded the game up in that resolution and changed it back to my normal res and the game has loaded up fine.

What is happening when you are trying to change the res in game?

I'm seeing nothing bizarre but i do share you symptoms of the live game settings.exe not opening at all, could be because the beta is installed but anything you can change there can be changed in game to so no biggy really.

Edited by gtanner
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look , i've tried everything. it just seems strange that my res. is fine in the open beta testing , but in the live online game i'm only getting 800x800x32

open beta 1920x1200x32

live online play 800x800x32

i've tried settings and everything else you guys got me jumping through hoops and it ridicules

it only makes sense that if open beta my res. goes to 1920x1200x32 that my online play should be 1920x1200x32 ,but, its not! UNLESS ! the open beta testing is effecting my online resolution! which i think it is

If it works with the beta then your drivers are probably ok. Tried downloading the client and reinstalling it yet?

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yes i've wiped wwiionline and all files 2 times so far and done clean installs .

yet no sucess.

this is the strangest thing i've incountered with wwiionline.

i'm very confused and getting frustrated at this point.

now the only other game i've install recently is R.U.S.E., but that game is downloaded through steampowered.com, and its a completely different game.

and all steam applications are only in steam file locations

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yes i've wiped wwiionline and all files 2 times so far and done clean installs .

yet no sucess.

this is the strangest thing i've incountered with wwiionline.

i'm very confused and getting frustrated at this point.

now the only other game i've install recently is R.U.S.E., but that game is downloaded through steampowered.com, and its a completely different game. and all steam applications are only in steam file locations

Hm, strange.

This is probably far-fetched, but did you try closing Steam and other programs running in the background?

If everything worked two weeks ago then maybe a system-restore point might help. I'd only use this option if there is no other way to get the game working though.

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And did you try to delete the wwiiol.xml that's in your Documents\Battleground Europe\ folder?

That file is not deleted when you uninstall the game unless you do it manually. If that is the one broken you will continue to have the same problem no matter how many times you install/uninstall the game.

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GOGHUR i presume you are reading this thread still?

i turned of steam.com

still no luck .

this is without a doubt the strangest thing i've run acrossed.

i have my own tech ppl but i hate to have them drive out here from NYC.

and i don't want to have to wait untill sometime this coming week for them to come out here.

i'm going to contact webroot tech and have them look through my computer and see whats going on too

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i don't see a file named wwiiol.xml in the documents /battleground europe folder.

does that mean anything?

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Then uninstall the game again, make a backup of the "Battleground europe" folder in documents, or at least the cfml folder, and then delete it entirely. Reboot and install the game again...

After uninstalling, make sure "program files\CRS\Battlground europe\" is completely deleted as well as the "Battleground europe" folder in Documents before you reboot.

This is my last suggestion.

Well, I have one more. If you still have a working BETA install, try to copy the file wwiiol.xml from the beta from "Documents\Battleground Europe Test\" to "Documents\Battleground Europe\" since the beta worked like it should for you.

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is the wwiiol.xml is that the dreamweaver file?

Ah, I see you have system not to show file extensions. The name of it then should only be "wwiiol" and if you have dreamweaver installed it would be named such.

Delete that one and try to run settings again.

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ok, i've just deleted everything of wwiionline including the documents files too, and i'm downloading the full install now .

i've even deleted all past downloads of wwiionline too! and we'll see how this goes .

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just wanted to say ty to munchkin for his help i got my game working again!

ty munchkin.

crs should think about making an uninstall program with an uninstaller

once i knew to take out the documents files too it was fixed after i re-installed munchkin

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