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ENTER WORLD button bug #4990


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I finally got fed up with this bug and am reporting it.

For years, yes years.

Off and on, I have hit the ENTER WORLD button and nothing would happen other than the color of the button would change.

After several seconds (10-30) it would come green again and I would repeat the process.

Sometimes I would get into the game next hit or it may take me or up to 4 times later.

Also, the time it takes to get into the map world can take a long time. The screen between Enter World button to the map world can take from 5-30 seconds.

Now add this with the Button bug, Spawn Delay and this can get very frustrating when they add together.

I think it happens when we have a spawn delay, but I cant attest to that.

I will try to keep track of the conditions more now.

This last time, I was in Baarle-Hertog and was the only person there.

No other missions were in the town, cause I was trying to replicate another bug. (see inpenatrable railings post).

No AO's near by or anything. Radar was clear in my square too.

Spawn delay in effect, 26 seconds.

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I outlined the cases where this happens somewhere. There are at least 5 different variations of the same bug and yes, it is very frustrating.

The basic bug is, you RTB (or spawn) to a valid SP, but then are unable to reenter the world. And yet, if you just RTB to that SP, you should be there!!! You should be able to reenter the world (at least imo).

The cases as I recall are:

1) Flag has moved from town

2) Your mission CP is captured, you recapture it, RTB, then can't enter

3) attacking town, cap last CP, RTB, can't enter world anymore

4) RTB to SP that is out of supply (or waiting for more from flag), even though you RTB, since the SP is out of supply you lose person.

5) One more that has to do with SD, but haven't quite got it narrowed down, though think it has something to do with not really reserving equipment for you while you wait for SD to tick by.. in the mean time, someone else grabs your reservation.

I think number 4 is one of the most frustrating, as it happens when attacking a town, you get CP, everyone spawns in (so SP temporarily empty of supply) then get wounded or RTB for ammo.. then you can't get back in world.

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Oh, one other thing. If your side has SD, and you pick an item that has just 1 item in it (especially from Navy or Arm flag) you have to press EnterWorld twice to get in. Doesn't seem to happen if there is more than 1 in supply and doesn't happen if your side doesn't have SD.

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I seemed to only see this when there is a Spawn Delay. However, it still seems to be random after that condition is met.

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I have the same problem often, but can get around it by clicking the enterworld button continuesly till the 10 to 20 sec wait is up and it is clickable again.

example: click on enterworld, nothing happens, wait 5 sec and start clicking enterworld as fast as you can. You will find you can get back into game and retain veh or inf model.

hope this helps till they find and fix the bug


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  • 2 weeks later...

One more case this happens. You are IN town X with mission from town Y that has FB to town X. Your side has captured some CPs in town X. If your FB gets busted, even though you are in town X, alive and well, if you RTB to a CP you are unable to get back into world. Button looks ok, but press and nothing happens, it just sits there a while then goes back to enabled state. Press it again, nothing again.

This also seems quite contrary to to what I would expect. Since I am alive and well, in that town, and RTB to that CP, how come I am unable to spawn back in?

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I got this bug on the persona selection screen today.

I was waiting for the countdown (side imbalance delay) to select Axis Army (or whatever it was) and I pressed the button down to the right. (Says Select Persona or something?) Anyway, similar to "Enter World" when on a mission.

The button turned gray and I had to wait for a few seconds. It then turned green again. I clicked it and everything proceeded as normal. Just as the enter world bug.

I have had the enter world bug a few times and heard of others having it as well but this must be a first?

If the countdown had anything to do with it, I have no idea. It's not the easiest thing in the world to replicate either :)

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Another related case.

Create mission from Navy CP (not AB) to enemy FB.

Spawn is as truck.

Go out and post FRU, de-spawn, spawn in as sapper.

Run to FB and sap with 4 charges.

RTB (but don't go out of ready screen or anywhere, just RTB to go right back in world)

Press enter world and now you are a rifle?

You seem to have lost your sapper, even though you just RTBd?

If you spawn out and wait a while, the sapper will come back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Major terrible case of this last night. May have cost us Mol CP when Axis was recapping it during Geel fight last night.

Was defending Mol Cp, but out of nades, so I de spawned to SP. Then couldn't enter world, tried multiple times. Turns out the spawning in SP (Turnhout) was out of supply. -not the town, just that SP for a short while.

Was terribly, extremely frustrating, not a time for young ones to be online listening to me. :(

This is probably more frustrating then many other bugs, as there is no way to avoid it (i.e. one can't see if SP is temporarily out of supply prior to de spawning). At least with the loathsome lag I can simply not engage in fights in a CP.

Need less to say, I couldn't get in world to defend CP or mark ei in CP and we lost the CP.

So, another variation on this travesty:

spawn in to SP1 (spawn SP)

go to another CP that you have captured in town and own, SP2

de spawn at SP2

if SP1 is temporarily out of supply you can't EnterWorld back into SP2

Of course, when you go to ready room, you lose your reservation and go back to the original SP1 waiting for supply. So, you LOSE your rifle supply that you just had in the world and you also lose position at the other SP/CP.

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Another variation:

We control town and have flag in town.

Spawned into N CP at Turnhout

Axis cap bunker, flag bumps back a town

Flag is now in town to W, we have FB, and we have W CP in Turnhout

De spawn, unable to enter world * ARG *

When I go back a screen I have to enter at W CP

So lost my position guarding N CP.

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Happens to me ALOT. Wait about 15 seconds and "ENTER" becomes active and then lets you into game.

Happens at anytime for me. Doesn't matter on town, flags, new cap, or old.

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  • 4 weeks later...

BETA v1.33.0.10

Ive got 2 times "enter world" button grayed after click on it, dereserved unit and not seen spawnlist (brigade was still at Ciney, no chnages like above, no cap, FB owned).

I was wait few seconds and spawnlist come back unreasonably, reserved unit back, click at "enter world" button, button grayed, then i was born in 3D and immediately got two message "netcode2 error, swithed to standard communication".

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BETA v1.33.0.10

Ive got 2 times "enter world" button grayed after click on it, dereserved unit and not seen spawnlist (brigade was still at Ciney, no chnages like above, no cap, FB owned).

I was wait few seconds and spawnlist come back unreasonably, reserved unit back, click at "enter world" button, button grayed, then i was born in 3D and immediately got two message "netcode2 error, swithed to standard communication".

That would be an interruption in the internet between you and the server, which is why you didn't get the spawnlist right away and eventually netcode2 gave up. Not the same problem.

THe problem here is more weird but its been there for a long time. Tickee?

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