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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Network Error: Authentication failed


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I uninstall and reinstall the game but once I click on play it hangs then gives a black screen then a windows pop up says the title. Started happening on 04/06/2012.

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Black screen went away partially, it says it is "Map Host(40110)"

Edited by rosshole00
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rosehole00 in the settings try changing the Connection setting from Best to either primary or secondary and see if that helps.

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I take that offline mode works fine?

If so we know the game is ok, so it has to be connection to the server thats the issue, as the error message would suggest.

In that case the only other obvious thing I can think to check is any firewalls that you may have. They could be blocking the ports the game uses.

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Yep, offline works great. It all started Friday night with the host issue. I can DL patches from the launcher since I have to reinstall the game every time that I want to play which has been going on for months but CRS couldn't figure out why it does it.

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Just out of interest what operating system are you running?

If it works 1st time after a reinstall then it suggest that when it tries to update a settings file or registry key its corrupting it.

I'll have a look and see if there is any obvious settings file that may be being written to when you run the game that may prevent it running the next time you load it.

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64bit Windows 7 i7 2.67 11 gig ram SLI dual geforce 240s. I assumed it was a registry issue and I delete them and it rewrites them and still does it but I was willing to overlook it as long as I could play =). Now with this host error I can't play =(

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I try to see if it works a couple times everyday, apparently this morning the Gods were smiling upon me. I was logged into game, WOOT!

I would still appreciate feed back from CRS on why this possibly occurred and if I should expect other random times that the game won't allow me to play for breaks at a time.

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There used to be a little app that tested the network connection to the Rats. Not sure if it still works.

I'll see if I can find it and if it still works I'll pass it on to you.

At least that way we can see if it's something between you & the Rats blocking your connection.

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OK, found the latest version


Called playnettrace.bat

Next time you get the error message, run the file and it creates a file called playnettrace.txt

That may point out what is going on. It will never reach the final hop as CRS for good reason doesn't allow that one on a ping or tracert.

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That was what I was going to suggest.

I do need you to explain thee problem a bit better start to finish. You posted a couple of different error messages and then said something about it being better if you completely reinstall the game?


Any way you can play offline so it is a network issue. You get an authentication error sometimes and a 4xxxx error, both are connection problems to the auth server.

The trace may point something out. This would be a good candidate for a support ticket.

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I have to actually reinstall the game every time I want to play. It's been that way since 1.34. I had an old 1.38 version I was using to install from and for some reason it stopped working so I DLed a 1.39 and it works now. Still reinstalling to play though =).

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How are you trying to play and where does the problem happen?

Test 1

  • install game full install: http://installers.wwiionline.com/wwiiol0001349.exe
  • as installer quits set options and click save
  • when playgate launches input username and password
  • accept license
  • select live server click play
  • game launches
  • game loads
  • select persona >>> spawn
  • exit

Test 2

  • repeat test 1 but with no reinstall
  • launch playgate from the desktop link
  • when playgate launches input username and password
  • accept license
  • select live server click play
  • game launches
  • game loads
  • select persona >>> spawn
  • exit

Where does it fail? What does it say/do when it fails?

I've never really heard of anything like this but we can figure it out but I need information, specific information.

My guess is you have a permissions issue someplace.

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I'm not surprised, OHM wasn't sure what it was either. It fails at test 2, at "game launches" it does not launch and does not give an output. It does not even make a process that hangs. Once I reinstall it then it works again for one time.

Only takes a couple of minutes to reinstall the game and get back in so I've gotten used to it.

Caveat: Works every time in single player mode. Tried Installing it then playing offline then playing online then it does not work when I attempt to play it online. I can play back to back single offline instances.

Edited by rosshole00
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Hmm. So something breaks after you play online for one session. If you try and play again online it fails when the game attempts to load. If you reinstall you can play online again.

Can you go here and zip up all the files after you have reinstallerd, played once, and tried to play again:

C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Battleground Europe

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