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Aircraft Cannons not firing only when solution obtained


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Been having a weird issue as of late. It used to happen every once in a blue moon but its every day this week it seems.   My aircaft guns fire just fine on their own, with no enemy air in front of me.  ( I have MG and cannon both mapped to trigger. And just mg on another button.) But 50% of the time lately when I'm right on EA can't miss range , I pull the trigger and only my MGs fire. But as soon as he moves out of guns solution my cannons work again.  Regain solution and only Mgs,,,, shoot at the air with no EA infront of me and Cannons work fine again.      I haven't changed any button keymaps or anything recently. Am i cursed for misbehaving or is this a bug?  Any Ideas?  ty

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Jarve was telling me he sometimes has a similar problem but none of his guns fire at all when it happens to him. And again, Its only when he gets a solution. A split second later they work again.

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1 hour ago, vader147 said:

Mingus have had the same thing on occasion as well as rounds passing through planes with no visible impacts

Two different issues I would guess. Rounds passing through is probably packets dropped or poor connection,,, to a point.    But with guns not firing upon a good solution,,, that sounds like something is wrong.  

We are finally getting air looked at now that Hatch is back, which is good, but how good is it if when we shoot eachother its a crapshoot as to if we get hits/damages/crits/kills

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7 minutes ago, Mosizlak said:

You guys video any of this? 


Not doubting you, but it would probably help if they could see it. 

Probaly somewhere. Bandicam gives my TS overlay troubles which makes my game crash If I hit record. (when i remember to hit record.)  We shall see if the new patch changes it. I just wanted to bring it to light, and Im glad others have spoken up to say they have seen it to. Most of the time, Im the only one to speak up, and none of my brethren speak up, and I just end up looking like a loon. (more than I am,,lol) 

Will try to record more often.

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definitely would be interesting to see if this could be replicated on training or live server

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Hi!  (first of all sorry for my english XD) 

I have the same problem that Mingus, i  noticed this from the last days (i dont know from when, maybe from the last patch)

I thinked that maybe was something my, (not enought pressure on the button or that i cant see the cannon bullets) but now i see that im not the only with this problem. 

I dont have video ( i never do a record XD) 

But i am another example of this problem. 

I hope this can have solution ;)


(other different problem, im not a free play account) 

Edited by casualy250
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This is interesting. I haven't experienced this myself but it sounds like it might be an issue with the keymapper? Does it only occur in certain planes? Do you have more than one joystick setup in the game? I think posting your air.cfml and your wwiiol.xml file might be of some use here. If you're on a PC they're both located in your My Documents > Battleground Europe folder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To add to Waver25, Video evidence would be awesome, as It gives us (the QA team) a visual representation so we can try to duplicate.

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Happened several times tonight. Don't think a video will help  there won't be any indication of when the trigger is pulled. I thought the same I wasnt hitting the trigger good or the stick but I caint get it to repeat when I'm tryin. I'll try to copy the cfml and XML and post 

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3 minutes ago, vader147 said:

Happened several times tonight. Don't think a video will help  there won't be any indication of when the trigger is pulled. I thought the same I wasnt hitting the trigger good or the stick but I caint get it to repeat when I'm tryin. I'll try to copy the cfml and XML and post 

Include your J/S model please

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Is this what you need?

Stick: Logitech extreme 3d pro with x52 throttle


<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE controlset SYSTEM "cfml.dtd">
<controlset version="1.1.0" language="english" keyboard="us">
    <control function="Engine Start/Stop">
        <joybutton stick="3">5</joybutton>
        <key index="1">e</key>
    <control function="Toggle tail lock">
    <control function="Toggle wep">
        <joybutton stick="3">12</joybutton>
        <key index="1"></key>
    <control function="Autopilot">
    <control function="Gunsight view">
        <joybutton stick="1">7</joybutton>
        <key index="1"></key>
    <control function="Use primary weapon">
        <joybutton stick="3">1</joybutton>
        <key index="1"></key>
    <control function="Use secondary weapon">
        <joybutton stick="3">1</joybutton>
        <key index="1"></key>
    <control function="Roll">
        <joyaxis stick="3">x</joyaxis>
    <control function="Pitch">
        <joyaxis stick="3">y</joyaxis>
        <keyabsolute value="0.00" index="10">
    <control function="Yaw">
        <joyaxis stick="2">rz</joyaxis>
    <control function="Throttle">
        <joyaxis stick="1">z</joyaxis>
        <keydelta value="10.00" per="sec" index="2">
            <key>up arrow</key>
        <keydelta value="-10.00" per="sec" index="3">
            <key>down arrow</key>
    <control function="Flap control">
        <joyaxis stick="1">slider1</joyaxis>
        <keyabsolute value="0.00">
        <keyabsolute value="0.00" index="10">
    <control function="Left brake">
        <joyaxis stick="2">x</joyaxis>
    <control function="Right brake">
        <joyaxis stick="2">y</joyaxis>
    <control function="Elevator trim">
        <joyaxis stick="1">rx</joyaxis>
        <keydelta value="1.00" per="keypress">
            <key>left shift</key>
        <keydelta value="-1.00" per="keypress" index="1">
            <key>left shift</key>
    <control function="Aileron trim">
        <joyaxis stick="3">x</joyaxis>
    <control function="Rudder trim">
        <joyaxis stick="3">rz</joyaxis>
        <keydelta value="0.00" per="sec">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Had this issue and figured out what it was...if you are using a Logitech J/S, or basically any j/s to be honest.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/7/2017 at 7:01 PM, nozlen said:

Had this issue and figured out what it was...if you are using a Logitech J/S, or basically any j/s to be honest.



What should we be looking at??



Joysticks do ware out, buttons start to be intermittent/not work all time.


I have stick where 2 buttons are acting up, one is sometimes intermittent, other when I push TOO hard does not work, but a light press is fine.
Very likely at the key moment you pull trigger hard, and stick fails to send signal.

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Anecdotally, I can remember this happening every once in a great while.  I always chalked it up to hardware, not software.

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  • 1 month later...

So I did a map allied this past map, (Doing another on allied this coming map)   But I went back Axis for intermission for a couple days or whatever,  and  All of a sudden here this problem is again. 

Didn't have it happen once on the allied planes.           It is not my JS, nor the trigger on the JS, I have MG and Cannon mapped to the same button.   And again, half the time when I open up when my reticule is on the enemy plane or leading him to where it would certainly be a hit my cannons stop firing. Only rhe MGs fire.  If I let go of the trigger and try again a split second later the cannons start firing just fine along with the MGs.   Day one of coming back to fly a 109 this happens right off the bat. And its happened a few times in the last day.  My stick is fine. If the button was not working right the MGs would not fire either.  I have checked for maybe a keymapper issue but everything looks fine. 

I have my cannons and MGs setup to fire off the same button in IL2 battle of stalingrad as well and this never happens there. I don't think its a hardware issue.  And I just reinstalled the whole game recently,. had the problem before and after. But only on the axis planes.    Zeke can yall test this? Its hard to track down because sometimes everything works just fine and other times the cannons just stop when the gunsight goes over the enemy plane.  It does happen often enough though for yall to catch it I would think.

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I will be keeping my eye out for this issue now.... Just to see if it happens to me as well.

Has fun flying with Vader last night, P38 Time.

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Let's see what our options are:

1) CRS added in special code that does impact calculation before the gun is fired rather than after and this code disables the gun firing if it calculates that an eventual fire would possibly lead to a hit on something. The sheer lunacy and complication of this out-of order processing is there to protect the game from too l33t axis pilots but none of the thousands of people that flew in this game were as l33t as mingus and so nobody has observed it before in millions of flight hours.

2) Mingus has a bad joystick and when he pulls too hard on the trigger while he is pulling the stick in some direction, one of the wires shorts out or looses contact.

3) WTC was brought down by US government nano-thermite because jet fuel can't melt steel.

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I read this post back when it first came out and thought... nah.. up until it happened to me the other day in a H2C. Got behind a E1 and squeezed the trigger. Nothing, I held down the trigger and still nothing right up to the point he turned then they started firing.  Got on his six a half second later and same issue until he jinked and I got lead on him and blew his wing off. It happened when I was directly on his 6 with crosshairs on him.. I then remembered this post.. so yah I think there is something to this.

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On 1/18/2017 at 6:02 PM, WAVER25 said:

This is interesting. I haven't experienced this myself but it sounds like it might be an issue with the keymapper? Does it only occur in certain planes? Do you have more than one joystick setup in the game? I think posting your air.cfml and your wwiiol.xml file might be of some use here. If you're on a PC they're both located in your My Documents > Battleground Europe folder.

There are some weird anomalies with the key mapper. 

This has happened to me recently. Where I have the joystick trigger mapped for firing everything and like Mingus I get a perfect up close opportunity to shoot an ea and the trigger does not activate the guns. And like others wondered if I had pressed hard enough to fire (which yes...I had).

Also....no matter what I do to my iMac, in terms of remapping or clearing key mapper, or flushing out the cache I have weird key function with vehicles. It used to be that with the opal I could hit w key and the engine would continue with full power even when i lifted my finger off the key. Not so now no matter what I tried.

I haven't searched for the .cfml file to trash it, perhaps that could help.


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  • 6 months later...

Digging up an old topic, the 109s Never had an issue in the FW190. The gunz will fire then just stop and you have to reset the trigger  to continue shooting or don't activate at all on trigger pull. This is only happening with an enemy plane  in the sights. Another odd thing we're cannons in the E4 stop shooting. 3 times last night with around 55 to 65 rounds left. Last time I was climbing under a Dewo fired a burst in the belly and saw the cannon hits rolled over came in and only bbs fired, cannons showed 64 rounds left but would not shoot again untill I landed and respawned. I was hit in some fights so figured the cannons where knocked out on a couple but to shoot some on 1st pass and then they stop shooting on the 2nd pass without taking any hits to my plane threw me off. No bias intentions just puzzling like UFOs and ghosts.

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