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Anyone have any idea how to program the trim wheels on the x52 throttle?


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I used to have it at one point where my trim wheels on my throttle worked for elevator trim/aileron and the slider worked for combat flaps. None of these map anymore in game can’t figure it out through the software any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Wish that helped, I've attempted (and set up different buttons) for flaps and trim now but these dang trim wheels on the x52 won't map to any axis and the damn x52 programmer is confusing as hell! lol!

Thank you though you answered my question of fine aim on the turret though! I knew there was a way!


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  • 4 years later...

I use that mouse wheel to do incremental flaps Up/Down I have it set to do +12 or -12% increments via pressing Y/U which I then keymapped to the wheel using the x52 software example: 8FykATc.png

Anything is possible and easy to do and I can write the cfml file for you as well so you can get it working however you want.

Do you have the spyware known as discord? If so we can message each other there or talk in voice commz.

Sorry support couldnt help with this 4 years ago.

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@shado1I seen you flying in game the other day and wanted to ask if you have figured out the problem you were asking about here? If not then please feel free to respond here or message me on discord. Also if you want to fly with us on training server then hit me up on discord

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