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LW Input "dampener"


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I noticed upon intermission, particularly with the Hurricane and Spitfire of any generation VS 109's and 190s, that the input is different.

In the aforementioned RAF units, if I go from left stick to right stick, both times input to output will reach 100% instantly. Almost 1:1

However in the respective LW units the input GRADUALLY reaches 100% as if the input is being smoothed out. So you cannot reach 100% input instantaneously as you can with spitfire and hurricane.

I haven't tested further than this, but it was something that I noticed.

In Hurricane if you stick from left to right 100% to 100% and look to the side your pilots head actually smashes through the canopy. Surely this cannot be as intended. Why would LW joystick controlls be dampened?

My controls are not set differently before anyone suggests that. I set my controls globally for all planes, so they all run exactly the same parameters.

Can other people test it and see if they encounter the same results?
I would make a video to explain it, but I don't have the means to do so really.

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I noticed the same thing on the Y axis for most planes. Only thing is that the x axis on allied equipment is 1:1 input to output. Not just visual on the joystick either, but visible on the control surfaces too, and noticable in that you reach max roll rate instantly as opposed to the fw190 [which i think has fastest roll rate in the game?] which reaches roll rate max more progressively.

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