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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Remodel Antwerpen / Dunkerque / Oostende / Calais ...


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With Rotterdam as an example those named towns should finally get "real" big port areas with some static ships too. Split up town if needed


It would also be nice to finally get some rail yards in this game

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1 hour ago, undercova said:

With Rotterdam as an example those named towns should finally get "real" big port areas with some static ships too. Split up town if needed

The static ships idea is awesome. Just use the existing AK, maybe with neutral livery. Add gangways to get aboard, too.

1 hour ago, undercova said:

It would also be nice to finally get some rail yards in this game

I think that in addition to rolling stock as eye candy (and cover/concealment), they should make some streetcar/tram models.

Here's one from Liege built in the 30s:


Doors can all be open.

If there was a texture on the roads for the rails, it might be cool to make any such objects PPOs that can be placed when a town has no AO, and no EWS only—town ownership required, and they persist several hours. Then players can add them as cover.

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Have you looked in Rotterdam, Dunkirk or Oostende after the patch? Railyards are a different matter as new terrain would have to be made. We have small ones of only 2 tracks .

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17 minutes ago, TR6AL said:

Have you looked in Rotterdam, Dunkirk or Oostende after the patch? Railyards are a different matter as new terrain would have to be made. We have small ones of only 2 tracks .


Now the walls to the docks need more openings (ABs have holes in walls, but I can't get to docks without hiking a mile?).

Dang, fell in trying to get on a barge, I could not tell from inf POV that it was a gap, and just walked into water, no way out.


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Looks pretty good, a few observations.

1. Might be nice to be able to board the barges and ships.

2. The wall/chain link along the docks is pretty yucky. It's bizarre to me that towns/cities are 100% porous to infantry, including running along on the rooftops, yet a shot wall and some chain link that would not stop a teenager with a can of spray paint can stop troops who desperately need to get someplace. I like the idea of funnels, but thos docks are fairly useless as it stands, as there's nothing there. Troops can LEAVE the docks running through fence, but no one can enter? Either troops can enter and leave from both directions, or none. If they need to run through fences there, then move the fence towards the water from the wall, and make ways for inf on the other side to climb the wall. Both ways the same. Maybe some areas get a proper wall, some get permeable chain link?

Suggestion: Move a spawnable to the docks. For Dunkirk, it should be Dover, as the magical across the water spawnables represent what, ships delivering troops to the docks? If the wall/fence needs to be there for some reason, it needs at least some pass throughs at closer intervals—though perhaps not super close to the spawnable you could put in there. If there's going to be a choke, make it fun/useful so that breaching it is interesting, and defending it is also possible. Honestly, from a fun/realism standpoint, I could see an AB being inside the docks in Dunk—the troops are UK, they had to come by sea, they have to be supplied by sea... Maybe an AB on one side of docks, Dover CP on the other (far from each other)? Spread the barracks around a bit... could be fun.

In Oost, the AB was there outside the fence (E and W), and there seems to be zip inside the docks. All that cool stuff, and literally no reason to ever enter it. There is a wall along the dock on the East side where the ship is—I just walked through it, and it doesn't stop rounds. So no boarding the ship, and run up to what looks like hard cover—and take a swim.

EDIT: anaother suggestion, I said above that in Dunk the Dover CP should be inside the dock area... my son just said it would be cool if that CP and Depot WAS A SHIP. Maybe the CP could be ashore, and troops spawn on the ship... Dover troops come from Dover—on ships.


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