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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Tab Alt doesn`t work


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Hello..I`ve been playing since around 2008 off and on...love the game but the biggest single issue I`ve had with it is let`s face it..it can get pretty boring..which is why I generally listen to music or try to find something else to do on my computer when I`m laying around in the woods somewhere waiting for something to happen which I don`t have a problem with as long as I  can listen to music or read...all at once I can`t get it off my screen without logging off...I`ve  tried a lot of different key combinations..nothing seems to work..I have no interest in playing if there`s nothing going on but would like to stay logged in until there is..any suggestions? thanks

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alt tab button might not work?  i have no problem alt tabbing back and forth, maybe need a new keyboard?


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there`s nothing wrong with my keyboard...I know you don`t have a problem with it..I do...that`s why I posted..any help

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For the In-game "Alt-Tab" to work there has to be another item open on the desktop to "Alt-Tab" to.  If WWIiOnline is the only thing running on the desktop "Alt-Tab" which is actually foreground Task Switching will fail. Nothing to switch to. An empty notepad running will provide the required "switch to" target with very little overheads.


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I understand that however but I do have others apps running in the background youtube..music..I keep Edge running all the time generally..Windows media w/e..it was working one day then it stopped...any other suggestion ?  Thanks

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