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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Input Wanted: Half-Track Scoring


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Currently the 251 and skdf7 are lumped in with the trucks due to their unique nature (no other 1/2 tracks).  However, with last nights patch, they are no longer unique.  With the increase in units, I'd like to split out the Half-Track class into its own separate 'top' list.

So now soliciting player input for what the 'top list' scoring should be for 1/2tracks. 

Stats that can be used are:

  • Mission Status (kia/rtb/etc)
  • Kills (either overall or vs specific units)
  • Time on mission
  • Deaths (either overall or vs specific units)
  • etc.
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I wonder if a fms setup vs number of trucks spawned? 

or a successful setup vs a kia.........

or......how about 25 points for fms setup, 10 points for ammo boxes or supply given

im not sure if there is a way beyond soldiers actually using the fms spawned, but im thinking if there is  a way to  score the QUALITY of the fms......some are way better than others.....proximity within range points?


Can you add points to combat engineer, and sappers for FMS blown points, like 20 points apiece? how about AI rebuild for 20 points? how about points for PPO placement etc?


just some addl thoughts



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You mean top lists?

Every unit has it's own stats I think, right?

Not sure it matters.

SPAA is under AA top?  251/10 would be under ATG?

Bit confused what you are asking.

I think I see what you mean; idk though.

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Basically thinking along the lines of matching up like capability 1/2 tracks for stats.wwii scoring (which is separate from whatever shows up in game). 

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