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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Welcome Back Soldier - ACTIVATED!

Cornered Rats

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Cornered Rats


 SALUTE! all WWII Online veterans players from past to present. Now is the time to jump back in and join the massive battles with your friends and squad mates! Welcome Back Soldier has officially launched and that means all veteran accounts have been activated and receive FULL (Free) access to WWII Online (this includes all Free Players and Steam players). Download the latest full version of the game at http://www.wwiionline.com/join and be sure to invite some new players to check us out!

eKII?d=yIl2AUoC8zA eKII?d=qj6IDK7rITs eKII?i=NE8tO2I_Y6s:GtQ5Uc5cLR4:gIN9vFwOq eKII?i=NE8tO2I_Y6s:GtQ5Uc5cLR4:V_sGLiPBp eKII?i=NE8tO2I_Y6s:GtQ5Uc5cLR4:F7zBnMyn0

View the full article on battlegroundeurope.com

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It has been a long time since I played.  Thought I would come back and give it a try, but it is very difficult for a lot of reasons.  Where do I start?

First of all, how is it free when I need to subscribe again for $10 a month?  Took a  while before I decided to give it a try anyway and updated my C/C.

Next, as it has been so long since I have played, thought I would do some training first.  But where?  The training tag keeps telling me to relog into the game and go to a campain.  It has been a pain.  At least I thought I could play offline for a while and learn how to fly again.  But where?  I do not see anywhere I can play offline or train online in order to try to be a better player.  I try to read all the info carefully but for a non techno person it can be very confusing. 

The game will not recognize my Hotas X joystick or my CH pro pedals.  They did use to work but of course that was on  WIN 7.  Have to have WIN 10 now.  So do I need to buy new hardware to make the game work?

I don't know maybe I am wasting my time.  I will give it a week and try it out and see if I can get it to work, if not, I will unsubscribe.

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Just go down to "cornered rat software" and  "practice offline" . 

 It is free to play .. You just need an account . If your account does not let you in go to Support and put in a ticket .

Not sure about the controllers . 

Glad you could make it in and hope you get things sorted out . 


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I use all ch, throttle, stick and pedals. I'm on win11 and all my controllers show up and usable with no problems.

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