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[Bug?] low 3rd person engine audio levels


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I think this was introduced w/ v1.37.1.0, I havent played ground much until yesterday and just noticed this.

- All ground vehicle engine audio has been extremely lowered compared to pre-patch

- The level of a vehicle's audio at 700-1km range sounds about as quiet (potentially quieter) than they used to sound upon entering audio range at ~1.7km pre-patch.


I use headphones and have relied on using audio to track down targets alot. My settings are all the same as they were pre-patch (excluding detailing that for brevity)

It feels as if all of the engine sfx were thrown into a program and applied a normalize filter. Is CRS allowed by NDA to say if this is what was done to these engine sfx?


Edited by lovewing
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  On 5/14/2023 at 9:27 AM, lovewing said:

I think this was introduced w/ v1.37.1.0, I havent played ground much until yesterday and just noticed this.

- All ground vehicle engine audio has been extremely lowered compared to pre-patch

- The level of a vehicle's audio at 700-1km range sounds about as quiet (potentially quieter) than they used to sound upon entering audio range at ~1.7km pre-patch.


I use headphones and have relied on using audio to track down targets alot. My settings are all the same as they were pre-patch (excluding detailing that for brevity)

It feels as if all of the engine sfx were thrown into a program and applied a normalize filter. Is CRS allowed by NDA to say if this is what was done to these engine sfx?



almost impossible to hear tanks like the Panhard and Daimler now

same for the low noise trucks on allied side

as soon as there is some action around ... you will not be able to hear them at all. that is why the US M3 and GMC are so extremely successful in placing FRUs all around towns while no one notices them at all

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Yes the almost inaudible m3 half track is why I was wondering if the engine audio files were batch normalized which would cause all of the other files to get extremely reduced thanks to the m3 (likely not the situation, just a guess)

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The following allied vehicles are inaudible to me having 200 euro headphones and Soundblaster AE7 sound card: m3 half + gun, gmc, panhard, lorianne atg + apc, r35, dac and I'm probably forgetting something.

Other thing, dac and panhard have the same gun sound, which is absurd. The dac must have the sound of the 2pdr.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately and reading the readme...it appears that none of the audio seems to have changed in the last patch. So there will continue to be situations where a truck moves 50m away from you and you can't locate it or even hear it.

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I have this ticketed and will work on addressing it for the next release.



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  On 6/6/2023 at 3:04 PM, corn said:

I have this ticketed and will work on addressing it for the next release.




thank you. And please check why HT, spaa 37mm, pz2c and maybe something else ALWAYS cause audio engine bugs to other players. And give the 2pdr sound to the dac S!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Daimler and Panhard remain completely silent

2.We lost our once great stereo

3.The sound of the tank at 1000 meters and at 100 meters sounds almost the same, the doppler effect is lost

Hope to roll back the sound version

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Yes, I can't speak for axis sounds; as play axis.

But the allied sounds are fubar for sure, way too quiet.

Tanks, HTs, trucks.

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effects both sides equally, its ticketed will be nice when fixed

@sa43210 I think the sounds are still stereo but they are just so low it is hard to pick it up. I can vaguely get stereo to locate if I put volume up to 100% max volume game settings + max in windows. I dont recommend trying that though as some sounds at that level will be painful and it barely helps

Edited by lovewing
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  On 6/17/2023 at 7:32 AM, lovewing said:

effects both sides equally, its ticketed will be nice when fixed

@sa43210 I think the sounds are still stereo but they are just so low it is hard to pick it up. I can vaguely get stereo to locate if I put volume up to 100% max volume game settings + max in windows. I dont recommend trying that though as some sounds at that level will be painful and it barely helps


Unpossible. Didn't you know it's a conspiracy to make allied vehicle audios silent? I mean opels never get to within 200m unheard every single AO/DO and 231s never race up to within 200m before they are audible, even if they do all the time.

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