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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Allied Awards for Campaign 202


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This concludes the Campaign 202 Awards

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1 hour ago, snuhffy1 said:

Just me or are the images not working?

Odd I see them just fine. Do you see a broken link?


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I am trying to figure out the issue. The weirdest part is that I can see them on the Forums. If the Link was the issue it should affect everyone using the forums, including me.

Edited by Quincannon
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19 hours ago, vongters said:

When I added emotion, everything worked perfectly...



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2 hours ago, Quincannon said:



This is what they look like to me...

WWII Aircraft Pin-Ups - Joan of Arc by BelldandyLover91 on DeviantArtWWII Aircraft Pin-Ups - Sailor Jupiter by BelldandyLover91 on DeviantArt

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3 hours ago, Quincannon said:



Damn.. This -> S!

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I was told to ask if you guys are using a VPN and if so to suggest you try turning it off. If not then to look at submitting a ticket.

I'm sorry folks are having issues.

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9 hours ago, Quincannon said:

I was told to ask if you guys are using a VPN and if so to suggest you try turning it off. If not then to look at submitting a ticket.

I'm sorry folks are having issues.

Not the issue (nor using VPN). It's someway related to Discord, since the source you're trying to get the pictures from say there isn't anything. I'm assuming it has something to do with the "Awards" channel someone made on Discord and you're pulling the images from there? It seems the channel is restricted by roles, so could be because of that.




(This content is no longer available.)



Anyways, I appreciate the awards effort as always Quin.

Edited by gretnine
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Gretnine is correct, not all have access to the awards channel in discord. Best bet use another image share for forums I use imgur think it still works.
Also on the topic of Discord and awards-channel someone needs to ensure "Read message history" is allowed for all roles.  

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2 hours ago, Calwood said:

Could someone check the Awards channel now? Does it still show cannot view?


Yep, still shows I have no permissions, despite having the Allied tag to see the channel.

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