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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Ati Catalyst 9.5


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New drivers prevent the game from even loading.

It locks up at "Initializing texture compression"

and gives the "MEM_BAD_POINTER" error

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Seriously, I give up on ATI/AMD. I will never buy a Radeon again. This is beyond belief.

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Try running the 8.10 drivers and catalyst control center.

I've had problems running anti-aliasing with the later version but not with 8.10

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Im getting the same error. I will test on Windows 7 RC1 64Bit, to see if it effects this as well. I have also submitted the error to AMD.


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Initially, it looks like an issue with a particular texture type. I didn't have time to look into the details as to why, but I put in a "fix" for the next beta which should be released today. The only work-around I have for now is to use the previous drivers until this fix is tested and released.

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I know this is like asking how long is a piece of string, but have you any idea when 1.30 will be out of RC?


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Won't be out before the weekend. But likely soon after assuming we close this bug.

Patch ready...

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I just upgraded to 9.5 to test this.

1st spawn was okay, despawed okay. 2nd spawn got the error "MEM_BAD_POINTER".

Restarted beta, 1st time the game didn't recognize me (all sides locked, no persona at the persona screen). Restarted beta again, logged in okay, able to select equipment, spawn into game: "MEM_BAD_POINTER" error. RC

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Hmm. Martini reports he is no longer seeing the issue. Odd.

9.3 didnt work, didnt try 9.4, 9.5 works like a gem

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Argh... I'm using 9.5 and went from 50-60 fps down to 2 fps. I've even installed older drivers and no luck.

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