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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

I should NOT be getting 5fps and SmartHeap crashes...


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With my graphics settings down..

2.4GHz DuoCore..


GeForce9800 GTX+

This is the first the SmartHeap crap has come up in a long time. What the hell.

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With all settings set to PERFORMANCE max, and everything else shut down in background, still getting this ****.

Absolutely absurd.

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Are you getting freezes of 5-6 sec too?

Download newest videocard drivers .. worked for me and lob12

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carnt say for this "heap" thing but i really think this patch is going to need us to check out some new drivers

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It's not always the drivers. Some things need fixes in the engine, whether you have the smoking newest shiny drivers installed, hd defragged, bought moar ram or not.

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I should add, I used to have the SmartHeap crap a lonnng time ago. Nothing recent, especially when turning my settings down.

Only since 1.30 has this come back. Additionally, right when the thing is about to crash I've checked the ww2ol memory usage.. not more than 1.1GB. I still have physical memory left! Yet it says I'm out!

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It's not always the drivers. Some things need fixes in the engine' date=' whether you have the smoking newest shiny drivers installed, hd defragged, bought moar ram or not.[/quote']

pfft Neweb!, DOC says more ram fixes everything!! i think thats what it causing this global warming issue ya know :D

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I do see that new nVidia drivers were released a couple weeks ago. I will try them.

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Hey Hatchcock, the link in your signature "http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wv5yt2gtx1m" doesn't work. Any tips?

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Are you getting freezes of 5-6 sec too?

Download newest videocard drivers .. worked for me and lob12

its worked for a while mons but things have got worst with the 1.30.1

now the game just completly freeze after 5minutes of play. Just logged 2 time so far since the 1.30.1 and that happened twice...

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I am having the same exact issue.

Vista 64-Bit

Quad Core 2.4GHz processor


768MB GeForce 8800GTX (with latest 185. drivers)

Getting smartheap after smartheap error, I'm lucky if I can play for 15 minutes before getting one.

Out of memory? With 8 gigs of ram? Seriously? I even disabled that SuperFetch to see if it was an issue with memory caching but that didn't help.

I really want to play this game. Heelp! I did send the information along with my dxdiag to the support email address.

By the way, am playing with a low resolution already, 1280x1024, I did try going lower but doesn't fix the issue.

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I am having the same exact issue.

Vista 64-Bit

Quad Core 2.4GHz processor


768MB GeForce 8800GTX (with latest 185. drivers)

Getting smartheap after smartheap error, I'm lucky if I can play for 15 minutes before getting one.

Out of memory? With 8 gigs of ram? Seriously? I even disabled that SuperFetch to see if it was an issue with memory caching but that didn't help.

I really want to play this game. Heelp! I did send the information along with my dxdiag to the support email address.

By the way, am playing with a low resolution already, 1280x1024, I did try going lower but doesn't fix the issue.

not for off your rig and same problems simce i messed with my grafix settings :mad: i was running fine in 1080p res a week ago no im struggling to get 30/40 in the open, and crashes are poping up all over the place...

i guess the rats are on it though YEA BETTER BE DOC!!!! :D:D:D

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Same issue, xp though, tons of physical/virtual memory, still getting error. Changed value - pg file to 1 still getting error. Re-installed, no effect.

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same here...smartheap mem usage

All tuned to best performance...so I can catch this bug and figure out were it comes from.

3 gigs RAM freezes at 2.2 gig, pressed ignore and continued to play, but then it kept giving me the same error(smartheap)...

Not sure but I think the mini-map was causing my problem, Today I'm gonna try turning off the mini-map...

If not then I'm gonna keep tryin to figure this Bug...

Tiny Vista 32-bit

1950pro(ver 9.3)

3gig Ram


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I dug up some of my old tips for FPS. Maybe it will help some:

First. Update your Video Card Drivers!! Second Update any other hardware drivers. Motherboard/Sound Card etc...

If you have an external firewall/NAT router/Router open ports 27014-27025 for UDP. Reason. netcode2 uses UDP instead of TCP. It's faster but firewalls need to be specifically opened for it.

If you have software firewall installed make sure it's allowing both WWIIOL executables specifically. WWII_SSE2.exe and WWII_x86.exe. If you don't have firewall software then Windows Firewall is enabled by default, so make sure you allow the above executables. if you don't want to deal with it, disable your software firewall while playing.

Dual Core/ Core 2 Machines.

1) If you have an Nvidia card: Open Nvidia Control panel. Disable "Threaded Optimization" in 3D settings. Reason: Doesn't work with dual core cpus. Major fps issue.

2) When you start the game each time. Go to Task Manager(Ctrl-AltDelete) find your WWII_SSE2.exe or WWII_x86.exe process, right click, Select Affinity, make sure both cpus are checked. Reason: CRS disable multie cpus in 1.27 to solve some general issues that really only had to do with the "Threaded Optimization" fix above. More cpus will increase your fps. You will need to do this every time you start the game until CRS adds an affinity setting to the game.

All CPU types:

1) Out of game settings app:

a)Connection: Typically set this to Use Best. If problems then try Use Primary or Use Secondary explicitly. For the most part, leave it on the recommended setting of use best.

B) Pick a reasonable resolution.

c) Make sure your sound and video cards are selected explicitly.

d) Check SSE2( I recommend this for better fps, if you have problems you can try unchecking it)

2) In game Settings:

a) Vertical Syncing: Disable(very important, big fps issue) Reason: This means that a frame will wait for your monitor to be ready before rendering it. Most LCDs only go up to 60 Hertz refresh rate. Hence you will never get higher than 60 FPS and can cause other issues imo, such as higher memory usage, stutters, ctds..

B) No Frame run ahead: Disable (big fps issue,) Reason:It's like the vertical sync issue. It's another FPS limiting synchronization mechanism.

c) Use Netcode2(beta) Enable this unless you have CTDs or serious network issues. This will use the fast UDP cinnection as stated above in the firewall section.

d) Disable shadows(don't really need them, big fps hog) If you have a kickass system it's ok though, you just never really see shadows much in game.

3) Sound: make sure your sound card is listed and selected. See my second post on sound.

4) Player Visibility Setting(High 128, Medium 64, Low 32): if you've done everything I've said this won't be an issue except in Gianormous battles. It's mostly a cpu/network issue, so if you have good of both then leave it set to High. If you get stutters in large battles then set to medium or low. Be forewarned setting lower settings may mean you don't see everything you need to see.

5) FOV and LOD stuff. Enable these. You will not see much of an fps increase by disabling them but you will have trouble seeing things far away if you disable them.

6) shaders. should be good to leave these enabled as long as you have a good video card.

7) Normal maps, specular, post render filtering, dithering etc. enable these. won't hurt your performance but makes the game look good.

Note: Some in game settings will require you to reboot the game. Do all of the setting first before rebooting and remember that if you have 2 cpus then you will have to set the cpu affinity manually again.

These settings have improved every machine so far. CTDS/CTHLS may be different problems so don't expect this to solve those but these settings have solved some CTDs right away.

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I've played around a bit, and have resolved the low fps. Part had come from a graphic card setting apparently... where my nVidia card PREFERS to run the game with FSAA than without.

The second issue was with Windows Vista. Running on an administrator account SIGNIFICANTLY slows performance. "Standard user" is the way to go.

The constant smartheap errors persist though.

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Tinkered around and my fps is about the same as it used to be (well pretty close)

As for smartheap, this nasty little thing... frusteration is'nt the word. Added virtual memory (even though I had plenty, some games do requre a lot of it and changed pg file value). I am going to continue to try things and post everything that i try. Not to spam, but for others who are trying to figure it out. If you know what it is'nt then you know you can try something different.

I am becomming more and more convinced however, that IF it has nothing to do with pagefile, it will not be solved at our end.

I suspect a memory leak in speedtree and how it communicates to the unity engine.

CFF explorer may be the only "user end" work around for this issue.

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I never installed Netcode2 zip file, the project as I understand was put on hold in 2006. I have only been playing for a couple of months. As for SE2, Any processor that has been out for the last 4 years has it. Most new processors have SE3 (if you don't have at least SSE2, get a new chip). That is one of the ways I was able to get my fps up, specifically with the SSE was able to gain an additional 10 fps. My problem is no longer the fps but just the smartheap. Which SSE2 or SSE3 will not help with.

Great suggestion retterkl for those who have not done that yet.

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o.k. Bloo thanks for info. Got info from here, I guess it's outdated...

The results of Netcode2 have been integrated into the game

It is not enabled by default, but there is an In Game setting to enable this as of 1.25.3.

Information below is for Archival Purposes only.

Bloo 10:44, 11 January 2007 (CST)


NetCode2 Test On Hold after 1.25

With 1.25's release we are putting the NetCode2 experiment on hold. We thank you very much for trying it - we have learned a lot of useful information which will help long term. What we have learned has made improvements in our networking and host systems and these will continue.

The NetCode2 executables will NO LONGER WORK with 1.25

We will almost certainly start another NetCode2 experiment as soon as possible. When that is ready, rest assured that we will inform you.

Thanks again. Bloo 14:32, 21 December 2006 (CST)


Evaluating Netcode2

Netcode2 is a new network system that Battleground Europe is planning to migrate to in the near future. This work was started by KFS1 in an effort to address the issues that some players were having with consistent connection loss for various complex reasons (particularly how some ISP routers handle the frequent large packets our game needs optimally).

This build of the client still uses Netcode1 as per all previous builds.

Netcode2 only comes into effect while you are spawned into the game world, and only if and when Netcode2 is able to maintain a connection to the game servers. In short: If netcode2 does not work on your system, you will experience gameplay exactly as per the normal release client.


Installing Netcode2

1) Download and decompress (unzip) the NetCode2 zip" (URL REMOVED) 2) Rename your current executables or save them somewhere. In your /Battleground Europe/ folder are two *.exe files that you need to preserve so that you can use them again if necessary. They are:

  • ww2_x86.exe
  • ww2_sse2.exe

Save those in a different folder or rename them to something like "release_ww2_x86.exe", etc. 3) Copy the NetCode2 two executable files (ww2_x86 and ww2_sse2) into your Battleground Europe folder (usually c:\program files\crs\battleground europe).

That is all. Now, when you spawn into the game world, the NetCode2 system will be supporting your connection.

What if something goes wrong?

Uninstall NetCode2. We are offering NO SUPPORT for problems with NetCode2!


Uninstalling Netcode2

If you encounter problems, revert to the release executables. If you saved or renamed the executables in Step 2 above, just undo that. Delete the NetCode2 executables and give the old executables the proper name, or overwrite them if you saved the executables in a different place.

Alternatively, you can uninstall Battleground Europe and then reinstall it from scratch.

What to do if you CTHL with Netcode2

If you should happen to experience CTHLs while running this Netcode2 Evaluation version, please post your ww2net.log file from your Battleground Europe Folder and a DxDiag.txt (if possible) into the stickied “Netcode2/CTHLs” thread in the Windows Community Support forum here .

Please note: Netcode2 may perform better if you change the "Connection" option under Video/Network in our settings application. We recommend setting this to "Use Best" before trying out netcode2.

Several users have found netcode2 sucks donkey-nads with one setting but rocks their world with another. This is partly expected because we have not made the code for "Use Best" netcode2 aware yet.

Caveats to this test:

  1. This executable is still primarily netcode1 based, and if the netcode2 connection encounters a problem will resort to using netcode1 entirely.
  2. The choice of "Connection" in Settings (See Video/Network) can greatly affect Netcode2 performance. If you install netcode2 and experience unsatisfactory performance, we suggest you try changing this option.
  3. Because netcode1 is the primary netcode in this executable, you may get a false showing of packet loss after spawning, and the shown "pings" can be upto 2x higher than your actual ping (we have already addressed this internally but are not updating the test executable at this time).

Retrieved from "http://wiki.wwiionline.com/index.php/Netcode2"

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Nothing wrong with Smartheap, the errors you are seeing are game bugs which smartheap then complains about. With the previous memory library you just crashed without any information. On the mac, the OSX allocator also complains about a few things so the problem is client code bugs. At least there is information now.

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