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I should NOT be getting 5fps and SmartHeap crashes...


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Thats crash #10 for today... this is so absolutely ridiculous. Game is unplayable.

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Information below is for Archival Purposes only.

This being the important bit, thus the large, bold text.

Hathcock, have you tried updating your motherboard drivers? I'm not sure why the Intel Application Accelerator is running on your system.

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Is 85 processes normal in Vista?

Holy crap, I have 23 processes on startup w/ XP

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Is 85 processes normal in Vista?

Holy crap, I have 23 processes on startup w/ XP

Yea he has several updates running and a ton of other apps running there.

IMO the 1st I would kill is itunes then start whittling down from there.

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There is a lot of crap running, true.

BUT ITS STILL ONLY 67% MEMORY USAGE! That is my point! How can it be out of memory, when it isnt?? Page file is at 6GB, which it clearly is not using up either.

And ww2ol accounts for almost all the CPU time.

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Between the two threads you are posting in we kinda have a couple of different possibilities. i think this is going to be one of two things:

1) A setting that is causing errors on your system. If we can finfd it we can fix it.

2) A conflict we are having with another application running.

Seems less likely but until we can get you to turn off all that cruft we won't be certain. It isn't about the amount of memory you have free, it is about the possibility that we have a conflict with an another application and our use of smart heap. I'm firmly betting on the former but I can't rule out the later.

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A quick google search turned up at least one program conflict with quickcam software where the other app went to 100% cpu usage when the software was pre QuickCam

Try tuning off quitting the quickcam stuff in taskmanager (cocimanager)

and see if the game works.

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I was also getting these Smartheap errors right after the release of 1.30.1.

I found a fix that worked for me, but no guarantee that it will work for anybody else, as the problem seems to be related to a software conflict that some people may have running in the backround, but others may not. I also suspect that it could be several different kinds of software that all use memory in the same way.

Please bear in mind that I am not a software genius. In fact, I'm a software moron. I do hardware. I build systems for myself, friends, and family as a hobby. I am no expert, but I do have a lot of experience with figuring out workarounds.

I'm providing this information in order to help the Rats figure out the problem. If it helps, great. If not...oh well!

I have two computers that I use at home. Both computers are joined in a home network with a D-Link Di-604 router. My primary system (#1) has had no issues with the game, but my secondary system (#2) is the one that gets the Smartheap errors.

Comparing how I have each one configured has revealed some interesting stuff.

Both systems are nearly identical...nearly. First of all, both systems use Windows XP/sp3. Both have the exact same processes running in the backround with one notable exception. Antivirus programs. #1 uses DefenderPro, #2 uses Norton.

Both have 2gb of Corsair Terminator RAM and both have single 500gb WD Raptor HDDs. Same MBs.

Processors and Videocards are different.

#1 has a EVGA Nvidia 9800 GTX with 512mb DDR3, not oc'd. CPU is an Intel Core2Duo E8600 Wolfdale running at 3.33.

#2 has a MSI Nvidia 8800 GTX with 256mb DDR2, not oc'd. CPU is an Intel Core2Duo E7400 Wolfdale running at 2.8.

I have a page file setup on #1. The minimum size is 500mgb and caps at 3069. No problems.

#2 had no pagefile setup. I had it setup this way due to what I was using this computer for, and it wasn't specifically for gaming use. It got Smartheap errors after about 40-50 minutes of running the game and these errors occured when in the presence of many other Players.

When I changed #2 to use a pagefile that was the same size as #1, no more Smartheap crashes. None, zero, nada.

I hope this helps.

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Cut a bunch of processes.. still no dice.

Here's a silly question. Is there any way of getting a more detailed error report from SmartHeap? Ie... when it crashes out, what SPECIFICALLY is it trying to do, and why can't it do it?

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being getting the out of memory quite a bit and it seems to happen mostly when we camping an ab or heavy action with lots of players...i guess i will tweak vis limit and see if that helps...also getting mucho packet loss but when i run out of memory the game gets crazy with dark streaks across the screen

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I may have made some progress with this... going to try to test extensively tonight to see if I can get the thing to crash again.

You might be right Gophur, appears setting related. More to follow later.

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Cut a bunch of processes.. still no dice.

Here's a silly question. Is there any way of getting a more detailed error report from SmartHeap? Ie... when it crashes out, what SPECIFICALLY is it trying to do, and why can't it do it?

it probably isn't a smart heap error. The program is crashing and that is causing smart heap to close improperly so it generates an error.

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Good pint on the swap. I would not recommend turning iot off. Hope that helps some.

Hath, i hope you're on the rigth track. Please keep me posted.

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Hathcock, click the show all processes button so we can see all the processes running from all users.

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My page file has been 6GB min/ 6GB max (Both are the exact same numerical value). Been trying all sortsa combinations of settings.. max performance, balanced, max quality, multiple values in between... still getting smartheap error. It's always with "high load" playing with lots of action going on... makes controlled testing difficult.

I still think it would make a lotta sense if somehow there's a way to log what specifically the error is...

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For reals, why can we not get at least an error log. Something more than

"File version: 1, 30, 1, 255

Date and time: 6/24/2009 22:53:04

WWIIOL aborted via improper means"

Improper.. no ****.

I mean really, why should I keep paying for this game if I can barely play it and there's minimal feedback from development staff here. I know multiple people have unsubbed because of this.

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Guess I'll just keep bumping this until we can get some actual specific direction, or I quit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I posted this before but post was deleted for some reason. When in game and in heavy fighting or esp well populated action after a few minutes i get Memory error, and then 3 options. retry...ok... and ignore. of course the only thing that works is ignore, but then it comes back every despawn till eventually right in the middle of battle a pop up window appears with nothing in it and the header says Heap Library, and game shuts down and vista says WWiionline is no longer working. EVER since 1.30 this has happend, if i run other programs it happens sooner, but it always happens, then i log back in with red locks, then have to reload the game Again only for the same thing to happen 5 minutes into battle again... I have a quad core, and 9800gtx an additinonal 4 gigs of memory... its no my system,, only since the patch.

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Idetical system to mine and an identical set of things happening.....even down to the first attempt logging back in being locked out on all personas ....

I was using an ati card but replaced it with an nvidia 8600 gts ...prior to the card swap wasnt having any problems so think its definately gfx card related...specifically nvidia .

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