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PAK 38 (50mm ATG) crew is armored like a panzer


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Again, I don't see a "Known Bugs" thread for the current game, only one for the upcoming patch, so I'm posting it here because I don't know if it's been reported.

The PAK 38 (50mm ATG, brown in color) displays a gun shield and a crew that is exposed when approached from behind or the flanks.

However, they are not exposed, they are as armored as if they were inside a panzer. Point blank shots from any direction (standing, crouching, or prone) leave the "metal dimple" graphic effect behind, and you hear the richochet or plink sound - indicating a strike on rifle proof armor.

The crew is rarely injured at all, and in my tests today survived 30 point blank shots to the head, torso, and legs. Grenades were equally ineffective. I had to sap it to kill it.

This is essentially a tank disguised as two guys pushing an ATG.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't test since the beta seems to have some collision issues at present but I can't see anything in the damage model that would suggest this is the case.


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The model is all there. That means the shield as well. Values are all correct. You can kill both crew members and that includes via penetration through or spall from off the gunshield.

There *IS* an issue with the crew members visual rendering and where they "actually are" WRT damage modeling. This is the FUBAR crew damage models we have been plagued by for years. They work in terms of being kill-able but they aren't correctly aligned, although in debug they do APPEAR to be correctly aligned which is why they were overlooked for so long. This is compounded for players in that they can't "search around for by spraying bullets" any form of a death clue visually, as the models don't "die" in terms of visual clues.

They are slated for overhaul very soon as we are going to give them new crew models as part of the visual overhaul of the game. It's long long long overdue but so are a lot of things, we can only do so much with such a tiny staff.

Sorry we can't do anything sooner than that but at least it is going to happen. We have to redo the models of all the ATG's and AAG's to pull this off, and that is the task we are setting ourselves.

I would say this answer applies to this thread as well. Atg damage models are completely fubar.

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Well that's a picture of the damage model right there. Not sure there any problems with it though I believe there may be issues in the data with things like heads being labeled arms etc.

I can;t say I've done enough testing to agree or disagree with DOC's post. He's likely more in tune with vehicles than I am, it's his bag.

Edited by GOPHUR
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